photo of an apple on top of notebooks with text of GRAIS Updates, October 16, 2022
image of clipboard with text of GRAIS updates, october 9, 2022
drawn image of notepaper, pencil and squigglies with text of GRAIS updates, October 2, 2022
drawn image of a backpack, globe, cell phone, and a stack of books with text of September 25, 2022 GRAIS updates
image of a sign with a paperclip and text stating GRAIS updates, sunder, september 18, 2022
Image of a stack of books with text stating GRAIS updates, Sunday, September 11, 2022
image of a classroom with a banner stating GRAIS Sunday message, September 4, 2022
Freetown-Lakeville Regional School District News Logo (Text is used on blue background stating FLRSD News)
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