April 11, 2023
Dr. Marcy Atkins
Psy.D Presents:
Anxiety & Defiance:
How to Help Your Kids At Home
May 9th, 2023
Apponequet Library
Even if your ch...
April 9, 2023
Good evening,
AES Grandparents day was once again a tremendous success. Thank you to Mrs. Eacobacci and everyone who was involved. And most of all to all of our wonderful mus...
April 2, 2023
Good evening,
Over the past two weeks I have watched our youngest students talk with our food service director about adding foods such as PIzza Hut, Cake, chocolate fountains ...
March 26, 2023
Good evening,
The FES kindness challenge has begun and in walking through the halls the excitement and joy that students are showing when discussing the need to be kind to ev...
March 19, 2023
Good evening,
There are many exciting things happening across the district
APPONOCON was held this weekend and was a wonderful success! Yesterday at AES was the annual ...
March 12, 2023
Good afternoon everyone,
Some important dates coming up- please be sure to check your students calendar as well
School Committee Budget Meeting - Wednesday March 15,2023 6...
March 8, 2023
Legal Notice Of Public Hearing
In conformity with the provisions of Chapter 71, Section 38N, the Freetown-Lakeville Regional School Committee will hold its
Public Hearing...
February 12, 2023
Good evening everyone,
It is hard to believe we have reached the 100th day of school. A reminder that there is no school the week of February 20-24th, we return on Monday, Febr...
February 5, 2023
On Wednesday a parent came in and brought a note of thanks to one of our staff to say how much her family appreciated the efforts of our staff member and how the small seemingly i...
February 3, 2023
January 13, 2023 During the week of February 13, 2023, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE’s) Office of Language Acquisition will conduct a Tiered Fo...
January 29, 2023
Good evening
It truly is hard to believe that this is the last week of January and with sunlight lasting little longer we continue to move forward in providing the most relevan...
January 22, 2023
Good evening everyone,
On Wednesday evening at our most recent School Committee meeting a number of exciting and positive items were discussed, which due to technical difficult...
January 17, 2023
The Freetown/Lakeville Early Childhood Center is now accepting applications for 3-year-old community role model peers for the 2023/2024 school year. Children must be residents ...
January 15, 2023
Good evening everyone,
With such beautiful weather last week and a dusting of snow immediately following in many parts of the Commonwealth, I am reminded not only of the Patrio...
January 8, 2023
Good evening everyone
We hope that you and your family had a happy winter break and a safe beginning to 2023 and we look forward to our continued partnership with each of you a...
December 18, 2022
Good afternoon everyone,
ARHS and FLMS winter sports have begun at both schools. I encourage you to come to the gym, the pool, the rink or maybe even take a drive to watch...
December 11, 2022
Good afternoon everyone
Over the past two weeks the sound of music has permeated the halls and the auditoriums of all of our schools. As always music and and all the arts bring...
December 4, 2022
Good evening to everyone in the FLRSD community,
FLRSD has been busy, far beyond our daily and substantive focus on academics and we are incredibly proud of the service and c...
November 27, 2022
Good afternoon FLRSD,
With the extended holiday weekend incredibly wrapping up, there were many stories and ideas that were sent to me about being thankful and appreciative. Ye...
November 20, 2022
Good evening everyone within FLRSD
It is important to update you on the work that has been done over the last few days following the security breach and to inform everyone of t...