Good afternoon everyone,
It is hard to believe that we are at the last full week of the school year.
During the 2021-2022 school year, former Superintendent Medieros created a Diversity Coalition that would jumpstart the conversation within the community on ensuring the district was focused on all students feeling a sense of belonging within the district. The group, which met monthly, included parents, community members and staff who came to the meetings with a wide variety of beliefs.The group does not form policy, however next year will be presenting occasionally to the School Committee. The coalition encourages you to attend.
If you are interested in being involved in this next year, or possibly helping to co-lead this group please let Principal Ward at or myself at
I want to thank all of our parent groups:PTO, School Council, SEPAC, Athletic Boosters and our volunteers all of whom are focused on working collaboratively within buildings and throughout the district to improve the student experience. If you have any interest or questions about joining one of these groups please contact your building administrator. Their work is invaluable.
We have mentioned multiple times throughout the year the formation of a capital committee which will look at long term capital planning for the district. The committee, composed of Staff, Administration, Town Officials, School Committee, Parents and potentially students, will be providing updates at School Committee meetings as it moves forward. This planning is extensive and we look forward to everyone’s input.
AES families- reminder that the school will not be accessible during the summer and that Principal Pineault and Mrs. Andrews will be at GRAIS for the summer if you need anything. The AES playground will be open during construction.
Freetown Lakeville Regional School District School Links
Please click on the link(s) below for district information and easy access to your child’s school news
FLRSD: News | Freetown Lakeville Regional School District
ARHS: Apponequet Regional High School News
FLMS: Freetown Lakeville Middle School News
GRAIS: George R. Austin Intermediate School News
AES: Assawompset Elementary Schools News
FES: Freetown Elementary School News
Below please find links to important forms and information. These are located on our website but hope this may assist you in locating them quickly (we will continue to add to this and if you have suggestions on what would be helpful to add please let us know) Thank you for the latest suggestions!