Tomorrow, March 21st, will be Colorful Sock Day to show support for World Down Syndrome Day. Wear your most colorful and interesting socks!
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Any grade 8 student interested in participating in JV softball or JV baseball at Apponequet this spring should contact Athletic director Cabucio through email:
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Grade 6 students, get an application from Mr. Friedrichs in the computer science room on the first floor if you are interested in joining the After School Program in Robotics Engineering.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Attention FLMS students, Friday, March 17 is our Luck of the Irish Dance. This dance is open to all grades.. The dress code is casual, but dance attendees should wear green and gold! Permission slips and tickets are available in the main office. Students must bring a signed permission slip in order to purchase a ticket. There are only 200 tickets available and no tickets will be sold at the door. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Congratulations to the Patriots Pen essay contest winners, Emma Wisnewski and Peyton Ashton, who were honored at a banquet at the Freetown VFW yesterday.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Registration is now open for the spring session of After the Bell. Click here for the registration form!
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Both FLMS boys and girls basketball teams beat Westport yesterday in dominating fashion. First, the girls took over winning 43 to 15. The boys team played a stellar second half only letting up 4 points to beat Westport 55-22. The boys' team (11-6) look to avenge an earlier loss to Middleboro in their last game of the season on Wednesday.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Congratulations to the Middle School Lady Lakers basketball team as they took home the second place trophy this weekend at the Seekonk Winter Tournament. The team played some outstanding defensive and incredible offense this weekend. Wish both teams good luck as they play Westport this afternoon in the second to the last game this season.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
In FLMS basketball, after being down in the first half by one point, the Lady Lakers pulled out a huge win. The team turned up the heat and more than doubled their first half score and only let Seeking score 7 points in the second half to win 38-23. Wish both teams luck this weekend as both teams will compete in a tournament in Seekonk.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
There are still a limited number of tickets left for the Winter Wonderland Dance on February 3rd. Dance attendees should wear blue and white colors to enjoy this icy, wintry festivity! Permission slips and tickets are available in the main office.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
NJHS members, just a reminder that there will be a mandatory meeting Friday, after school, in the auditorium. The meeting will run until 2:45. Make sure to have a ride scheduled to pick you up at that time. Also, please bring your completed community service forms with you.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Did someone say board games? Yes they did! Join us next Thursday, February 2nd from 2:05-3:15 in the FLMS cafeteria for Game Afternoon! Board games will be provided by the Freelake Leaders group but feel free to bring your own. This game afternoon is a fundraiser, so there is a $2.00 entry fee. We will also have snacks to purchase so bring some money for snacks too! We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Rehoboth Middle School had no clue what they were getting into yesterday as both FLMS basketball teams had dominating performances. First the girls' team won 38-10 in a total team effort. The boys' team had an impressive first half outscoring Rehoboth 38-12, and then only allowed Rehoboth to score 5 points in the second half to secure the win. Pack the gym on Monday for the last home game of the season as both teams look to take down Bridgewater.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Friday, February 3rd is our Winter Wonderland Dance. Dance attendees should wear blue and white colors to enjoy this icy, wintry festivity. Permission slips are available outside room 202, 213 or in the main office. Students must bring a signed permission slip in order to purchase a ticket. There are only 200 tickets available, and no tickets will be sold at the door. Please see Senorita Hoffer in room 202 or the main office to purchase tickets.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Both FLMS basketball teams took down Case Middle School yesterday in a dominating fashion. First, the girls' team beat Case 37-14. In a total team effort, 8 players scored to contribute. Next, the boys' team stormed the court and started the game off strong scoring 26 points in the first quarter alone. There was no looking back after the first quarter, as the boys' team beat Case 58-35. Come support both teams in their second-the-the-last home game against Rehoboth on Wednesday!
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Attention 8th graders: We are looking for backstage help for Annie Jr. If you are interested, please see Mr. Johnson or Mrs. Blell for an information sheet. At this time, this is only open to 8th grade students.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Are you interested in being creative? Join Ms. George in the art room after school on Wednesdays for Spring Art Club starting February 1st. How do you join? Have your parent or guardian send an email to Ms. George ( stating you have permission. If you would like more information, please come to the art room or the office.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
The girls basketball team gave Middleboro their all yesterday and pulled out another win! After a slow first half, the team more than doubled their half score in the third quarter alone and didn't let Middleboro score a single point in the second half. the team improves their record to 8 wins and 1 loss.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
Although the Norton basketball team came back yesterday wanting revenge, they were no match for the FLMS girls basketball team. They won the game 35 to 16. Both the girls and boys teams need all your support on Wednesday as we look to take down Middleboro at home!
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School
The Vacation Club is open for registrations! Enrichment classes and sports activities during the February and April vacation weeks.
over 1 year ago, Freetown Lakeville Middle School