image of a blackboard with school supplies in front and text of GRAIS  Updates, November 13, 2022

Absent Line:

We really appreciate the BIG increase in the number of folks who are using the absent line to notify us of student absences.  Doing so allows us to remove your contact information from the automated call system that goes out once morning attendance is completed in homerooms.  As a reminder to all, on days that your child will be absent from school, we ask that you call in to 508.923.3506 x 3100.  An example of the information we need is simply, “Elizabeth Sullivan from Mrs. Greene’s homeroom will not be in due to illness.”

Hydration Stations:

While your child does not need to have a “fancy” water bottle, it is important that you send him/her in with a reusable bottle of some sort, so that he/she has access to our hydration stations that are located throughout the building.  Even a purchased bottle of water or juice might serve as a reusable container.  We really appreciate your attention to this, as keeping the children hydrated is a step in keeping them healthy.

Life Touch:

We appreciate your patience in waiting for your child’s fall photographs, as we are experiencing a delay in receipt.  For that reason the retake date has been changed to December 1st.

Parent - Teacher Organization:

The PTO’s monthly Zoom meeting will take place Tuesday  11/15 at 6:30  p.m.  The Meeting ID: 975 169 9808 and the password is graispto.  All are welcome to log in.


As well as free breakfast and free lunch are provided at GRAIS, all teaching teams have designated times within their instruction time that allow for individual snacks from home to be enjoyed.  If you wish for your child to have a snack during the school day, please send one in with him/her daily, as these are not provided by the school.

Traffic and Parking at GRAIS:

Parking in front of the building is ALWAYS prohibited, as this area is designated for buses.  It is also a fire lane, so after buses clear, it  must remain clear throughout the day.  We have had instances of emergencies and scheduled drills being impacted by vehicles parked in this lane.  Visitors to the school, regardless of the intended length of stay, must park in one of our lots.

Thank you for adhering to the posted speed limit as you enter and exit on the road to the building.  We have many walkers, as well as students from the two other campus schools on the grounds at different times throughout the day, and we want to keep everyone safe.

Turkey Trot:

The excitement is building to see who might break some records in GRIAS’ traditional turkey trot on the day before Thanksgiving during school hours.  This is not a spectator event, but we will be sure to share pictures on the website and news of those earning prizes in our memo after the holiday break.

 Routinely Requested Contact Information:

Campus Programs - Diane Czapiga - 508.923.2000 X 1719

First Student Bus Co. - Ken Rezendes - 508.763. 9260

Food Services - Andrea Fay - 508. 923.2000 x 1146

Fore and Aft Program - Lisa Pacheco - 508.923.2000 X1730

Technology Dept. for Parent Portal and Device Help

Social Media:

As a reminder, you can find the district on Twitter @FLRSDsuper and on Instagram @FLRSDsuper.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

Virtual PTO Meeting at 6:30 p.m. - November 15th

Annual Turkey Trot - November 23rd

Thanksgiving Recess - November 23rd at 11:30 a.m - November 25th

First Trimester Grades Close - November 29th

Rescheduled Picture Retakes - December 1st

Scheduled Evening Conferences - December 6th 

Scheduled Afternoon Conferences - December 8th

Deposit Due for Nature’s Classroom - December 16th