image of fall leaves and blankets with a lit candle and text of GRAIS updates, November 3, 2024

Dear Intermediate School Families,

We’re continuing to exceed our goal of an overall weekly attendance rate of 94% every week  this year!  Thank you for all you do to have your children in school on time every day and until 2:45 p.m.  Late arrivals and early dismissals add up to lost instruction time, so we appreciate your help in having our students present and ready to learn and grow with us all day, every day.

Socks, Hat, Mittens, and Scarves:

We are so grateful for all the donations of NEW hats, socks, mittens, and scarves coming in!  The drive ends on December 20th.  We hope to be able to help keep as many folks in need as we have in the past two years!  Every little bit helps!  Drop-off boxes are in every homeroom and in the lobby.  


If you’re able, we would love to have you join us to help at our upcoming Scholastic book fair the week of November 18th – 22nd when the children will visit the fair during their library classes..  Please ensure that your CORI is up to date and you have fingerprints on file to volunteer.  In the coming weeks, a Sign-Up Genius will be emailed asking for volunteers for those five days. 

Grade Four Math:

Students are working on adding and subtracting whole numbers up to 1,000,000 with and without regrouping. They are practicing lining up the digits according to place value positions. Addition is being checked with subtraction and subtraction is being checked with addition. Help them to keep practicing those math facts at home as they apply to everything we do in math class!

Grade Four ELA:

Students are enjoying the novel Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner. They will be diving deep and looking at character traits as we continue learning about the five story elements. They will also be answering literal and inferential questions while using their books as tools to support their thinking and looking for text evidence.

Grade Five Math:

In 5th grade math, students are practicing multiplying and dividing multi-digit whole numbers. In a couple weeks, we will have our Unit 1 Test on volume, multi-digit multiplication, and multi-digit division. This work will be much easier if your child knows all multiplication facts through 12 x 12. Fifth graders should spend 5-10 min. at home each day practicing any multiplication math facts that they do not know automatically. Help your child to come up with strategies for using known math facts to figure out unknown math facts. For example, x6 facts are double x3 facts, x5 facts are half of x10 facts, and x9 facts are one group less than x10 facts. Try to turn learning multiplication facts into a game and recognize improvements.

Grade Five ELA:

Students are wrapping up their lessons on finding the theme of a story and summarizing a selection.  Vocabulary lessons continue with Greek and Latin roots.  Teachers love to see the connections students make in other content areas with these roots.

Campus Programs:

Please be sure to check out our programs!  Basic Babysitting for grades 5 - 8, GRAIS handball, GRAIS winter running club, and adult volleyball are all available!

Registration is currently going on.  Click on the link below.

Campus Programs Flyers

Freetown-Lakeville Basketball Club:

Please see attached here:  FLBC.

Nature’s Classroom:

Please be reminded that a deposit of $150 is due no later than December 20th if you wish to have your fourth grader attend Nature’s Classroom in June.  Please complete this Google form to register your child and indicate if you would like your name to be entered in the chaperone lottery:  Amanda Pimentel is the coordinator of the trip and can be reached at if you have any questions.

From the Gymnasium:

In the spirit of the week of Halloween, in physical education, students were able to make connections to their learning about the muscles and bones in the body.  

image of physical education class materials used for learning about the muscles and bones in the body

Future Dates to Remember:

November 4th - SEPAC at ARHS Library at 6:30 p.m.

November 5th - No School for Students

November 11th - No School

November 13th - Picture Retakes 

November 15th -Conference Letters Home

November 18th - Book Fair Week during Library Class

November 22nd - Warm-n-Cozy Sweats Day

November 27th - Trimester One Closes

November 27th - 11:30 a.m. Dismissal

December 2nd - School Resumes

December 4th - Grade Post to the Portal

December 9th - C.A.R.E. (formerly DEI-B) at ARHS at 6:00 p.m.

December 10th - Parent-Teacher Evening Conferences by Appointment

December 12th - Early Student Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.

December 12th - Parent-Teacher Afternoon Conferences by Appointment

December 20th - Early Dismissal for School Break at 11:30 a.m. 

January 2nd - School Resumes

January 20th - No School 

February 7th - Early Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.

February 17 - School Break Begins

February 24th - School Resumes


Dr. Sullivan

508.923.3506 x3150