image of a pencil on white lined paper and text of GRAIS updates, October 13, 2024

Dear Intermediate School Families,

Please be reminded that there is no school on Monday, the 14th.


We certainly had some sharply dressed and well coiffed students last week for picture day!  Believe it or not, school pictures are already ready!  To order yours, log in to your account on or create an account using your student's student ID number. He or she should have this number memorized by now.  All families can also log on and order a free Digital SmileSafe card.  More about the Smilesafe program here.


We are continuing to exceed our goal of at least 94% in weekly attendance!

Week of 9/30=98%

Week of 9/23=96%

Week of 9/16=97%

Week  of 9/4=98%

Week of 9/9=97%

Week  of 9/4=98%

Extracurricular Activities:

After the Bell

For more information, contact Lisa Pacheco at or click here:.Registration Form and Flyer.

Campus Programs

Diane Czapiga remains available to you at or at 508.923.2000 x1719.  Click here to see what’s available now! GRAIS storytelling registration and Basic Babysitting Class for Grades 5 - 8

Freetown-Lakeville Basketball Club

Please see attached here:  FLBC.

Grades, Trimesters, and Parent Portal:

Fourth grade parents are reminded that starting at the intermediate level, students are graded using a letter system (A, B, C, D, and F).  Students will also receive conduct and effort ratings, as well as progress on learning habits.  Your student’s grades will be routinely updated on the parent portal.  At the end of each trimester, report cards will be posted to the portal.  Paper reports cards are not used.  Our first trimester will close on November 27th, with the mid-term point being October 16th.  First trimester grades will post to the portal on December 4th.  You are encouraged to visit the portal regularly to keep up with your child’s progress.  If you need assistance with the portal, Ms. Barboza ( in the main office is happy to help.  


Please join us for our next meeting via Zoom on October 15th at 7:00 p.m. We will be wrapping up news on the fun run, planning the fall breakfast for staff on the 25th, and discussing future events and happenings.  The meeting ID: 477 737 8775 and the password is graispto.

Frequently Requested Contact Information::

Student Services   

Kelly Steele        

508.923.2000 x1711

First Student Buses

Ken Rezendes    


Future Dates to Remember:

Monday, October 14th - No School

October 16th - Mid-term for Trimester One

October 16th - Fourth Grade Parent/Guardian Meeting for Nature’s Classroom

October 18th - PJs Day 

November 5th - No School for Students

November 11th - No School

November 13th - Picture Retakes 

November 18th - Book Fair Week

November 27th - Trimester One Grades Close

November 27th - 11:30 a.m. Dismissal

December 2nd - School Resumes

December 4th - Grade Post to the Parent Portal

December 10th - Parent-Teacher Evening Conferences by Appointment

December 12th - Early Student Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.

December 12th - Parent-Teacher Afternoon Conferences by Appointment


Dr. Sullivan

508.923.3506 x 3150