image of two students working with a book and Chromebook with text of GRAIS updates, January 14, 2024

Dear Intermediate School Families,

Please be reminded that the school district is closed on Monday, the 15th as we observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.   Below is a look into our academic classrooms, as well as some important dates to remember.

Grade Four ELA:

We are working on reading nonfiction texts and completing open responses using the RACES strategy. This strategy was introduced in third grade, and the fourth grade teachers are expanding the responses and reinforcing the skills. Ask your child what the letters stand for!

Grade Four Math:

IWe are discovering how to find the product of two-digit times two-digit multiplication problems.  We are also excited that we are beginning lessons about division.  We will use partial quotients and area model strategies to complete multi digit division problems. 

Grade Five ELA:

Our focus in ELA is problem/solution text structure and graphic sources.  Students will be reading about the Constitutional Convention which will be a great preview for upcoming social studies lessons later in the year.

Grade Five Math:

We are moving on from decimal numbers and beginning our study of fractions. Students are learning that fractions are another way of representing division. For example, one piece of paper divided by three students is 1/3. If two pieces of paper are divided by three students, each student could get 1/3 of each piece, meaning each student gets 2/3.  We are also working on reviewing fraction skills like finding equivalent fractions and converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers.  Measuring with a ruler or measuring ingredients can be great opportunities to practice using and discussing fractions with your child.

Campus Programs Book Club Session 2

Spring MCAS Dates;

Grade Five ELA MCAS – April 2nd & 3rd

Grade Four ELA MCAS – April 4th & 5th

Grade Five Math MCAS – May 13th & 14th

Grade Four Math MCAS – May 15th & 16th

Grade Five Science MCAS – May 20th & 21st

Dates to Remember:

No School – January 15th

PTO’s Virtual Meeting - January 16th at 7:00 p.m.

Middle of Trimester Two – January 18th

Early Dismissal at 11:30 a.m. – February 2nd

February Break – 19th through the 23rd

No School – March 5th

ELA and Math  Games Event – March 21st at 5:45 - 7:15 p.m.

Early Dismissal at 11:30 a.m. – April 1st

No School – April 12th

Spring Vacation –  April 15th  through the 19th

Scholastic Book Fair –  April 29th through May 3rd

Grade Five Science MCAS – May 20th & 21st

No School – May 27th

Survivor Day – June 14th

Anticipated Last Day of School – June 18th 

Frequently Requested Contact Information:

Nature’s Classroom Coordinator

Stacey Snyder at 508 923 3506 extension 3011 or

First Student Bus Company

Ken Rezendes at 508 763 9260 or


Dr. Sullivan

508.923.3506 X3150