Mr. Ward’s Message:
THANK YOU to all the families as our new revamped Safety Protocols have been tried and held true over the past few days. Again, let’s be clear NO ONE gained access to Freetown Elementary School. However, in light of the recent events around the district it has caused all administrators and staff to reflect upon our current safety protocols.
As you know when you arrive at FES be prepared to share your name, your child’s name, and your reason for your visit. You will then need to show your ID to the office.
The new office window has been utilized over the past several school days. Additionally, when parents/guardians/caregivers come to the school you will only gain access to the vestibule in the main lobby. The second set of doors are ALL locked.
As always, THANK YOU for your continued support and patience with this work. We will remain hyper vigilant and remain firm and consistent with our updated protocols.
FES News and Happenings:
Save the Dates:
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, December 7th (evening) and Thursday, December 8th (afternoon).
An on-line sign-up document will be shared this evening Sunday, November 27th at 6:00 PM. Conferences will be limited to 10 minutes. Parents/Guardians may select a conference time on either date that works for your schedule. Your child’s report card will be sent home on Tuesday, December 6th for you to review and have for your child’s parent/teacher conference.
PTO Corner:
The next PTO Meeting will take place on Monday, January 9th from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. The meeting will be both in-person and virtual.
FES PTO website is...
Amazon Smile…The Holidays will be here before you know it. Don't forget when you are doing your holiday shopping to start at AmazonSmile and select Freetown Elementary School PTO as your charity. Once you set up the AmazonSmile connection Amazon will remind you anytime you shop to start at AmazonSmile. The price of your products doesn't change at all, but amazon gives FES PTO a percent of your purchases. It's just that easy. Support us when you shop for holiday gifts and Amazon donates.
Attendance Matters Weekly Update:
Goal: 94% of the FES student population will attend school daily.
The September average student daily attendance was 95%. Goal achieved!
The October average student daily attendance was 95%. Goal achieved!
Let’s keep that momentum going into the month of November.
November 1-4: 94%...Goal Met!
November 8-10: 95%...Goal Met!
November 14-18: 95%...Goal Met!
November 21-23: 95%...Goal Met!