image of a brown lunch bag, apple and a carton of milk with text of FES updates, April 28, 2024

Mr. Ward’s Message: 

This week FES would like to share some exciting Grade 3 Student Council news announcements as they have been busy this spring working on some fun projects. 

Arriving soon!  Built by our own Gavin DeSousa and his father, Michael DeSousa! THANK YOU!

FES’ own Little Free Library! The student council had voted to create two little free libraries - one for inside our school and one to be kept outside for community involvement!  Gavin made the one to be placed inside the school. What is a little Free Library you ask? It is a place to trade or donate beloved books that you are no longer reading. Students can bring in books they would like to donate and also take books that they would like to read. 

PoeTree! Beginning April 29 Students are encouraged to write/print out poems to hang on the PoeTree which will be outside the auditorium. The Student Council has assigned different colors for each grade level.  They will be coming to classrooms this week to explain the details and deliver color coded papers to submit individual poems.  This is in continuation of the Poetry Week that took place last week.  Students will write their own poems and add to the POETree throughout next week!  

Fox Flags - We asked the PTO for help with purchasing fox flags for those classrooms that did not have one.  The FES flags have arrived and will be delivered by the student council this week. 

image of new flag with a fox in a circle and yellow background

Upcoming events:

May 13:  May PTO Meeting beginning at 6:30 PM

May 14 & 15: Grade 3 Math MCAS

May 15: Grade 3 Spring Choral Concert beginning at 7:00 PM 

May 17: Special Olympics

May 20-24: “Buy One, Get One” Scholastic Book Fair

May 23: Annual Art Show from 6:00 - 7:00 PM

May 23: Family Book Fair Night from 5:30 - 7:00 PM

May 27: No School - Memorial Day

PTO Corner:  

PTO meetings will be held in person and virtually.  The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 13th beginning at 6:30 PM.  The meeting invitation will be shared the week prior. 

Attendance Matters Weekly Update:

Goal:  94% of the FES student population will attend school daily.  

April’s Daily Student Attendance Percentage:

  • April 1-5: 93.5%...Not quite there! 

  • April 8-11: 93.75%...Still not there, yet!  

  • April 22-26: 96.5%...Yeah!  We exceeded our goal!  

In and around the classrooms of Freetown Elementary for the week of April 22-26:

Pre-School:   This week in preschool we studied the author, Eric Carle.  We read his book The Tiny Seed.  Then, we planted our own seeds!  We learned about the difference between living and nonliving things.  We also learned about the letter i and the sound it makes. 

Kindergarten: This week in kindergarten we reviewed our routines and expectations as we returned from April vacation. We reviewed letters/sounds for our unit-  g  w  x  v  j  qu  y  z and also the blends of  br  cr  dr  tr  gr.  We celebrated Poetry week with lots of poetry reading and writing.  We also learned some things we can do to help keep the earth healthy on Monday, Earth Day. In writing, we focused on writing complete sentences. We discussed position and shapes in our math lesson this week. 

Grade 1:  This week in first grade we focused on long vowel sound “e” spelled “y” and “ey”. For comprehension, we discussed the purpose of reading and characters, setting, and plot. For math this week, we learned to put together shapes to make new shapes. This week is also Poetry Week so we started our Poetry unit in writing. We discussed Earth Day in science and started our egg hatching project. It was also Jigi’s (ST Math penguin) Birthday!

Grade 2: This week in second grade reading we learned about elements and forms of poetry. In phonics we spelled and read words with double vowel teams “oo”, “ou”, “ue” and “ew” as in “moon”, “you”, “due” and “few”. In math we worked on telling and writing time to the nearest five minutes. We worked on writing various forms of poetry. In Science we learned about what plants need.

Grade 3: This week in third grade, students learned how to read bar graphs.  In reading and writing, students enjoyed poetry week!  They loved reading a variety of poems.  They also loved writing a variety of poems including: acrostic, haiku, concrete, diamante, and rhyming couplets.  They were very proud of their creativity and enjoyed sharing their poetry with their classmates!  In science, students started a new unit: natural hazards.  

Art:  Grade 1 is learning about texture while they weave their painted paper and embellish with found items.  Grade 2 is learning about form (3D art) as an element art while creating fantastic paper mache animals masks.  Grade 3 is learning about space as an element of art.  They are using artist tricks to create the illusion of distance in original drawings.  

Physical Education: Students in Grades 1, 2 & 3 took advantage of the lovely weather this week and participated in the 15 minute running challenge. Kindergarten students learned how to throw a frisbee, participated in various fitness activities and ran a pool noodle team relay.

Music: This week, students K-3 have started the final week of their unit on musicianship. Grade 1 and Kindergarten are practicing elements of the beat to the song “Poem in Your Pocket”. 1st grade will also practice rhythms. 2nd grade will expand their musicianship learning notes on the Treble Clef Staff. 3rd grade will continue writing and reading music for their recorders and practicing pitch patterns.

Library: This week we celebrated poetry week in the library. Kindergarten and first grade students listened to animal poems from a book called "At the Poles" which is about animals who live in the arctic and antarctic. We talked about rhyming words and how they are an important part of a lot of poems.