Mr. Ward’s Message:
Monday, April 1st is an Early Release Day for students. Students will be dismissed at 12:15 PM. Breakfast will be served. Lunch will NOT be provided. For the April 1st Early Release Day students will be dismissed in a different location for Parent Pick-up!
April 1 is an Early Release Day for students as voting will take place at Freetown Elementary School. Please be advised that dismissal for April 1st will be altered for Parent Pick-up to ensure the safety of all. Students will be dismissed out the doors at the end of the long hallway to the doors that face Bullock Road. With that being said, parents will be able to park on the large playground blacktop (gates will be open) and then please walk up the designated path leading to the doors facing Bullock Road. Please be patient as we work together to keep all staff, students, and FES families safe.
Tuesday, April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day throughout Freetown-Lakeville Regional School District. Students and staff are encouraged to wear Blue for Autism Awareness Day.
Upcoming events:
April 1: Early Release Day: Students will be dismissed at 12:15 PM.
April 2: Autism Awareness Day
April 2: DEI-B Coalition Meeting taking place at ARHS beginning at 6:00 PM
April 12: No School
April 15-19: No School - April Vacation Week.
FES News and Happenings…
A gentle reminder that our Grade 3 Students will be completing their Grade 3 ELA MCAS on April 9 & 10. Students will again participate in their Math MCAS on May 14 & 15.
PTO Corner:
PTO meetings will be held in person and virtually. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 8th beginning at 6:30 PM. The meeting invitation will be shared a week prior to the meeting.
FES PTO website is...
Attendance Matters Weekly Update:
Goal: 94% of the FES student population will attend school daily.
March’s Daily Student Attendance Percentage:
March 1: 92%...Did not quite make our goal - Only day 1.
March 4-8: 94%...Met goal!
March 11-15: 94%...Met goal, two weeks in a row.
March 18-22: 94%...Met goal, three weeks in a row! Now we are rolling!
March 25-28: 94%...Goal met!
In and around the classrooms of Freetown Elementary for the week of March 25-29:
Pre-School: This week in preschool we studied the author, Laura Numeroff. We examined her “cause and effect” writing style. We also learned about the letter z and the sound it makes. On Tuesday, we celebrated our 100th Day of School. We counted to 100 and we built things using 100 blocks. On Wednesday, we attended a PTO sponsored presentation about life cycles by the Massachusetts Audubon Society. Thank you PTO! We ended our week with a Spring Egg Hunt!
Kindergarten: This week in kindergarten we focused on the letters Vv and Xx. We continued strengthening PA skills by blending and segmenting individual sounds(Phonemes) and onset/rime pairs. Our HFW were said, want. In writing we discussed and practiced opinion writing and descriptive words. Our math lesson was comparing length. We completed fun nonstandard units of measure while using appropriate vocabulary such as longer, shorter, longest, taller, etc.
Grade 1: This week in first grade we focused on the vowel teams ea, ee and ie along with the long sound of e. For comprehension, we discussed nonfiction text features and the purpose of reading these types of texts. In writing, we responded to the text. We wrote about how animals help each other. In science, we learned about seasonal patterns and why we have seasons. For math, we learned how to add tens and ones using two digit numbers.
Grade 2: This week in second grade reading we learned about how authors use rhythm in poems and songs. In phonics we spelled and read multisyllabic words with the long /o/ sound spelled with double vowel teams “oa”, “oe”, and “ow” as in floating, rainbow and tiptoe. In math we learned how to make and interpret line plots. We worked on using events from our lives to write personal narratives. In Science we learned about properties of matter.
Grade 3: This week in math, students learned how to calculate the area of irregular shapes. In writing, students wrote an opinion essay arguing for or against the use of self-driving cars. They all supported their opinion with evidence from three sources that they read and discussed. In reading, students explored a new essential question, “what do good citizens do?” This led to wonderful real-life discussions in each classroom. In social studies, students learned about the causes and effects of the Battle Lexington and Concord.
Art: Kindergartners cut and glued shapes to finish their adorable warm and cool color sun project. Grade 1 is learning how to give the look of texture, implied texture, as they create adorable mini textured monsters. Some of the textures they are exploring are slimy, spiky, and scaly. Grade 2 students are enjoying weaving with yarn on a mini cardboard loom. They are creating a symmetrical design as they work. Grade 3 completed beautiful pineapple drawings with oil pastels. They discovered how easily and effectively line, shape and repetition creates implied texture.
Physical Education: Students played their final round of Mini-golf for the year on our book themed decorated 9 hole course. Second and Third grade students learned how to keep score and incorporated it while completing the course. Kindergarten and First graders continued working on their grip, stance and putt while completing the course.
Music: This week, students K-3 have started the 2nd week of their unit on musicianship. Grade 1 and Kindergarten are practicing elements of the beat. 1st grade will also practice rhythms. 2nd grade will expand their musicianship with Sol Mi patterns. 3rd grade will be writing and reading music for their recorders and practicing pitch patterns.
Library: This week students continued learning how to code by playing the Osmo game "Coding with Awbie". On Thursday night we had Book Tasting and Makerspace night. Students who attended looked at books that are part of the FES library collection and participated in makerspace activities such as playing with the Dash and Dot robots, Makey Makeys and Little bits.