image of various school supplies against a tan background with text of FES updates, January 21, 2024

Mr. Ward’s Message:

Who is JiJi? Many parents/guardians may be thinking as their child comes home from school each day or week and shares about ST Math and JiJi.   ST Math is a visual instructional tool/program that leverages the brain’s innate spatial-temporal reasoning ability to solve mathematical problems.  The program deeply engages, motivates, and challenges students toward higher achievement through rigorous learning and creative problem solving.  Each week students in grades K & 1 are encouraged and challenged to complete 40 puzzles.  In grades 2 & 3 students are challenged to complete 60 puzzles.  JiJi is the beloved penguin in the ST Math games and students help JiJi overcome obstacles by solving math puzzles to increase their pathway journey.  Students associate JiJi with the thrill of challenge and success.  The students recognize JiJi with the backpack as that could represent the tools needed to be successful on their pathway.  

Upcoming events:

January 24: School Council Meeting beginning at 8:15 AM

January 29 - February 2:  Scholastic Book Fair Week

January 31: Scholastic Book Fair Family Night 

February Vacation Week will take place the week of February 19-23.  School will resume again on Monday, February 26th.

FES News and Happenings…

  • Grade 3 News...Students in grade 3 across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts participate in their first MCAS exam.  Students will be tested in English Language Arts and Mathematics.  The MCAS exam is a computer based exam in which students will take the exam on the computer.  MCAS dates for students in Grade 3 at FES will be:

    • April 8 & 9 for English Language Arts

    • May 14 & 15 for Mathematics

  • Winter Scholastic Book Fair will take place during the week of January 29-February 2.  Teachers will share with their students the day and time they will visit the Book Fair.  Additionally, there will be a Family Book Fair Night on Wednesday, January 31st from 5:30 - 7:00 PM.  

PTO Corner:  

PTO meetings will be held in person and virtually.  The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 12th, 2024 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM.  The meeting invitation will be shared out the week prior to the February PTO Meeting. Hope you will consider joining the FES PTO.

Save the DATE from the FES PTO…Save the Date for Freetown Elementary's Free Family BINGO Night on February 15th 6-7pm with DJ Jordan Paiva, sponsored by the FES PTO.  Event is FREE but registration will be required! Keep an eye out for more info and to register your family! 

Attendance Matters Weekly Update:

Goal:  94% of the FES student population will attend school daily.  

January’s Daily Student Attendance Percentage:

Week of January 1-5: 96%...YEAH!  We are well on track!     

Week of January 8-12: 94%...Still on track, way to go!

Week of January 15-19: 93%...Not quite there!    


Grade Level Happenings from the Week of 1/15 - 1/19:

Pre-School:  This week in preschool we continued our study of weather with a specific focus on wind, clouds, and rain.  Projects included counting raindrops and making windsocks.   In science, students made predictions about whether or not objects would fly in the wind, and then used a fan to find out.  

Kindergarten: This week in kindergarten we viewed phonics and phonemic awareness for the letters i, n, k, o, d. We were introduced to s blends /sn/, /st/, /sp/. We also reviewed HFW- and, do, go, to, you. We completed more practice with rhyming and blending/segmenting sounds. Our Ready math lesson was an introduction to subtraction. We learned that subtract, minus and take away all have the same meaning. We continue to practice writing in sentences with an uppercase to start a sentence, punctuation and to use describing words for more interesting sentences. 

Grade 1:  This week in first grade we reviewed digraphs and blends. For comprehension we reviewed understanding a text by rereading and asking questions when we don’t understand something.  For math this week we are continuing to make a ten to add and making a ten from 3 numbers. In science we are working on the light unit. In writing we are continuing the how-to unit. 

Grade 2: This week in second grade in reading we worked to determine the author's purpose. We talked about how authors write to inform by describing or explaining something. In phonics we learned about a new syllable type (r-controlled syllables) and worked with r-controlled vowels /or/ and /ar/. In math we continued to use strategies to subtract 3-digit numbers with regrouping. In writing we worked on narrative writing. In science we explored properties and states of matter.

Grade 3: This week, third graders all finished their math and reading diagnostics.  It was amazing to see how much growth they made since September!  In math, students learned how to write and draw equivalent fractions.  In reading, students read short passages that explored the question: should humans or robots explore space?  After analyzing and discussing these passages, students organized their own ideas in a graphic organizer about whether or not they thought humans or robots should explore space.  

Art:  Kindergarteners traced circles, cut, glued, and then painted to add adorable snowmen to the colorful backgrounds they made last week.  Grade 1 completed their primary and secondary color popsicle projects.   Grade 2 drew adorable baby Emperor penguins and added different values with a charcoal stick.  They cut these out and glued them to the Antarctic sky that they painted last week.  Grade 3 painted in a decorative way to finish their folk art owls. 

Physical Education: Students performed both the step and stretch band routines and had a health lesson. Third graders learned about their muscles. Second grade students learned about how fruit is nature’s candy and how the vitamins in fruit help the body. Grade 1 students learned how families are alike and how families are different. Kindergarten students learned about anger and how to deal with strong emotions.

Music: This week, students K-3 have started the 2nd week of their unit on listening. Grade 1 and Kindergarten will listen to music for dynamics, tempo and directions as well as music from Haydn. 2nd grade will listen to music of Beethoven and respond to vocal and instrumental musical elements. 3rd grade will be receiving recorders this week. 

Library: During library class this week, students listened to articles in Pebble Go and Britannica Early Elementary about Martin Luther King Jr. Kindergarten and first grade students responded to the articles by typing and drawing what they learned into Google Drawing.  Second and third grade students wrote their responses in Google Slides.