Mr. Ward’s Message:
With each passing month it is with great pride at Freetown Elementary School that we continue the deep, embedded tradition of Student of Month ceremonies. With each month a student from each classroom is nominated by peers and/or their teacher. Students nominated have put forth their best efforts in their school work, behavior, and efforts. For the month of September these students best exemplify what it means to be a Freetown Elementary Student. Congratulations to the September students that were nominated…
Kindergarten: Wyatt Lopes, Rylee Everman, Nathan McNamara, Benjamin Lanneville, McKenzie Depin
Grade 1: Tilly Carvalho, Xander Pimentel, Sara Gonsalves, Joshua Pimental, Jr, Cassidy DeTerra
Grade 2: Kayleigh Baker, Adeline Correira, Austin Ferreira, Orly Reznekervitz, Julia Morrissette
Grade 3: Alivia Camara, Mason Santos, Lilli Ratcliffe, Caleb Almeida, Madison McCoy
Specialists: Bridgette Gower
News and Happenings for this upcoming week at FES…
This week will bring STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Week to Freetown Elementary and throughout the district. At Freetown Elementary School ALL students will focus on “Bridges”. STEM Week will allow our students to be scientists, to be thinkers, to be creative, to be collaborative, and to be part of a team while learning about science and engineering. Do not be afraid to ask your child about STEM Week.
This upcoming week will also bring Fire Safety Week, October 16-20. In partnership with the Freetown Fire Department students will learn about proper safety tips dealing with fire prevention. Do not hesitate to ask them about their Fire Safety Day at FES and what they learned.
The Annual FES Trunk or Treat Event from 2:00 - 4:00 PM will take place on Saturday, October 21st.
Please note the FES PTO is accepting candy donations for the Annual Trunk or Treat Event. The Trunk or Treat Event is taking place on Saturday, October 21st from 2:00 - 4:00 PM in the large playground blacktop area.
Upcoming events:
October 16: October PTO Meeting beginning at 6:30 PM
October 21: FES Annual Trunk or Treat Event (2:00 - 4:00 PM)
November 2: Picture Retake Day / Preschool Picture Day
November 7: No School for students - PD Day for FLRSD Educators
November 10: No School due to Veterans Day
PTO Corner:
PTO meetings will be held in person and virtually. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 16th from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. The meeting will be in person as well as virtual to accommodate for families. Hope you will consider joining the FES PTO. The meeting invitation is below…
Date/Time: Oct 16, 2023 6:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 504 427 3489
Passcode: FESPTO
FES PTO website is...
Attendance Matters Weekly Update:
Goal: 94% of the FES student population will attend school daily.
October’s Daily Student Attendance Percentage:
October 2-6: 96%...Goal achieved!
October 9-13: 97%...Goal achieved!
News and Happenings around the classrooms:
Preschool: This week in preschool we learned a new Lively Letter, the letter d. Letter d is noisy and likes to drum loudly on his big belly drum! We finished up our study of apples and have started learning about fire safety. We also enjoyed participating in the schoolwide Fun Run fundraiser!
Kindergarten: Students had so much fun running the FUN RUN! Thank you PTO for all of your hard work and to the families for your support. This week in kindergarten we reviewed identifying/naming Mm. We learned its sound and discussed words that have /m/ in both the initial and final position. We also learned and practiced proper letter formation. Our HFW was “the”. We discussed how to be a good friend and how to make new friends. We had lots of great discussions. In math we compared numbers w/in 5 and composed/decomposed 3, 4, 5.
Grade 1: This week in first grade we started unit 1 in Wonders. We focused on short a and plural -s. For comprehension we focused on visualization and characters. In writing we are working on understanding the parts of a sentence and responding to a text. For math this week we learned about finding missing addends in number bonds and word problems. In science, we began talking about what a scientist is and what they do. We also had our Fun Run and everyone had a blast! Thank you everyone for supporting this event!
Grade 2: This week in second grade we continued to work on determining the central message of stories. In phonics we worked with closed syllables with glued/welded sounds. In math we used fact family equations to show how subtraction problems can be solved using related addition facts. In writing we worked on our How To writing and reviewed subjects and predicates. We also had our exciting Fun Run! Thank you for supporting us in this great event!
Grade 3: This week, third grade students learned the meaning of division in word problems, equations, and pictures. They have also developed an understanding of the connection between division and multiplication. In reading, students explored the new essential question: what can traditions teach you about cultures? They have read a variety of short stories to explore this question and engaged in meaningful conversations. In writing, students have completed their first drafts of their personal narrative. In social studies, students have completed their graphic organizers about the summer versus winter life of the Wampanoag Tribe.
Art: Kindergarteners traced their name with a glue and paint mix and also added glue line circles. We'll paint inside the shapes we find next week. Grade 1 learned about abstract art and started an alphabet abstraction project. Grade 2 learned about ancient Greek vases and started a paper version. Grade 3 learned about symmetry and started turning their name into a creative symmetrical creature.
Physical Education: Kindergarten and First Grade students learned and practiced the underhand throw. Second and Third Grade students learned and practiced the overhand throw.
Music: This week, students K-3 are starting the fourth week of their unit on being expressive in music. We will learn new songs, games, and movements to be performed with appropriate musicality. Gradees 2 and 3 are also continuing to explore mallet instruments and composing.
Library: During library class this week, kindergarten students worked on the website Britannica Fundamentals. Students read an Ebook and responded to what they read with a drawing using the create tool. First and second grade students read an article from a topic of their interest on the Britannica Early Elementary website. Students typed out a fact they learned. Third grade students completed a pre-assessment about media literacy. Library books are due back on the following days: day 1 library classes should return their books on Monday 10/16 and Friday 10/20. Day 2 library classes should return their books on Tuesday 10/17. Day 3 library students should return their books on Wednesday 10/18 and day 4 library classes should return their books on Thursday 10/19.