Mr. Ward’s Message:
Congratulations to the Class of 2023! As part of a strong tradition within the Freetown-Lakeville Regional School Department the Class of 2023 Seniors visited each school for their Senior Walk. Freetown Elementary School wishes all of the seniors the best of luck going forward. Remember to keep your head high and be proud of yourself!
PTO Corner:
The next PTO Meeting will take place on Monday, June 12th from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. The meeting will be both in-person and virtual. The meeting invitation will be provided the week prior to the meeting.
FES PTO website is...
Attendance Matters Weekly Update:
Goal: 94% of the FES student population will attend school daily.
May student daily attendance rate…
Week of May 1-5: 95%...Goal achieved
Week of May 8-12: 96%...Goal achieved
Week of May 15-19: 96%...Goal achieved
Week of May 22-26: 97%...Goal achieved
Week of May 29-31: 94%...Goal achieved
Overall we achieved our May Attendance goal by having 95.6% of our student population attend school daily during the month of May.
Upcoming Events:
June 2: ARHS Class of 2023 - Senior Walk
June 8: Grade 3 Wax Museum
June 9: Grade 3 Social from 5:30 - 7:00 PM
June 12: June PTO Meeting
June 13: Fox Festival
June 14: Grade 2 Star-Spangled Spectacular
June 19: No School - Juneteenth
June 21: Last Day of School
Please note the last day of school is an early release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 12:15 PM. Lunch will not be provided.
News and Happenings from the classrooms for the week of May 29-June 2:
Pre-School: This week in preschool we learned about the letter, e, and its sound. Students also worked on year-end portfolios and yearbooks! On Thursday, we enjoyed a visit from the Roger Williams Zoo. The presenters taught the children about camouflage and brought a few animals for us to observe.
Kindergarten: This week in kindergarten our HF words were- good, who. Comprehension skills from our Wonders curriculum were making/confirming predictions and sequencing. Print concepts were left/right and top/bottom tracking, return sweep and parts of a book. In writing, we also focused on left/right and top/bottom progression when we are writing. We reviewed skills in math.
Grade 1: This week in first grade we continued to work on multisyllabic words. We worked on words that end in the -ic pattern. For comprehension we focused on characters, settings, and main events along with retelling stories including key details. For writing this week, we are finishing up the letter writing unit. In math, we started working on telling time to the hour and half hour. In science, we are finishing up the plant unit.
Grade 2: This week in second grade math we continued to work on geometry, specifically focusing on attributes of shapes and tiling in rectangles. In Fundations we reviewed the six syllable types. In reading we worked on identifying authors’ purposes in writing and text features. In writing we continued to work on opinion writing, and in science we talked about animal and plant dependence. Finally, we got to examine animal and plant dependence in action during our great field trip to Soule Farm!
Grade 3: Third graders have been very busy! They have chosen one influential person to learn about, study, and research. They have completed a graphic organizer to record important information they have learned about their person. They have also started creating posters to prepare for a wax museum presentation on June 8, 2023 for the entire school and parents to view. Third graders have done a great job preparing for this wax museum and their hard work will continue throughout next week as well! We are looking forward to learning information about some important, influential people!
Music: This week, students K-3 have started the fifth week of their unit on performance. Grade 1 and Kindergarten are practicing performing by learning new songs such as Wishy Washy and No More Pie. 2nd grade will expand their musicianship by continuing to practice for our Star Spangled Spectacular. Third grade will be reviewing their repertoire learned throughout the year.
Physical Education: Students played the team building game “The Floor is Lava”. Students worked together to make it across the basketball “lava” court as a team. Each level became more difficult and students needed to encourage each other, communicate, strategize, and work as a team to make sure everyone in their group made it to the checkpoint safely. We also started learning the Fox Festival games in preparation for the event which will be held towards the end of the school year.
Art: This week, students displayed their work for the annual FES student art show. Thank you to all the families who came out to support the arts.
Library: During library class this week, kindergarten and first grade students learned about a concept in computer science called algorithms. We watched a video on Seesaw that demonstrated examples of algorithms in real life and then students worked on their own examples of building an algorithm using drawing tools or foam blocks. Second and third grade students continued learning about media literacy. Last week we learned about what is and is not considered media based on the definition. This week we are learning facts about about sharks and will look at examples of sharks in the media next week.