Away athletic events today:
Girls basketball at GNBVT
Home athletic events today:
Girls and Boys Swim postponed today
Boys Basketball vs. GNBVT
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

The Food Committee will be having a follow up meeting on Tuesday January 17th right
after school until 3:00pm in the library. Please come with some suggestions to improve
our lunches!

Away athletic events today:
Boys basketball at Old Rochester
Home athletic events today:
Boys Ice hockey vs. Minnechaug
Girls Basketball vs. Old Rochester
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

The “Booked at Apponequet” club will meet tomorrow to discuss the December reads. All
are welcome to join. For more information, please see Mrs. O’Brien in the library.

Away athletic events today:
Girls and Boys indoor track vs Somerset – Berkely at GNBVT
Home athletic events today:
Boys ice hockey vs Seekonk/DR at Driscoll rink
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

The first Art, Share, Travel meeting of the new year will be Thursday January 12th from
2:30 - 3:30. Meet Ms. Lima in room 109 after school. Please have a ride arranged for

Yearbooks are now on sale! The last day to order a yearbook with the option to
personalize it is Tuesday January 31st. The link to order is posted in your Laker Locker.
Please see Ms. Lima with any questions.

Green, Green, Green Team meeting Thursday 1/12 right after school in room132. Be sure
to check out the google classroom for a few announcements.

Have you ever considered a career as a first responder or firefighter? Well, we have an
internship for you! The Lakeville Fire Department invites you to join their team. Please
pick up an application in guidance and return it by January 13th for a chance to explore
the job from the inside out! You must be available to participate after school.

Away athletic events today:
Girls basketball at Wareham
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

Yearbooks are now on sale! The last day to order a yearbook with the option to
personalize it, is Tuesday January 31st. The link to order is posted in your Laker Locker.
Please see Ms. Lima with any questions.

The first Art, Share, Travel meeting of the new year will be Thursday, January 12th from
2:30 - 3:30. Meet Ms. Lima in room 109 after school. Please have a ride arranged for

There will be a LIFE meeting TODAY right after school in room 101 until 3:00.

Away athletic events today:
Ice Hockey at Dartmouth
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

Interested in police work? Ever want to do a ride-along? SRO Bartholomew is accepting
applications for next semester's Law Enforcement internship. Applications are available in
guidance. Earn credit while you learn and speak directly to officers in the field.

Away athletic events today:
Girls & Boys swim at Bridgewater-Raynham (Bridgewater State)
Home athletic events today:
Girls Basketball vs. Bishop Stang
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

Away athletic events today:
Girls basketball at Middleboro, Boys ice hockey at Taunton
Home athletic events today:
Boys Basketball vs. Middleboro
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

Home athletic events today:
Boys ice hockey vs Taunton – Driscoll rink
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

Away athletic events today:
Boys basketball at GNBVT
Home athletic events today:
Girls Basketball vs. GNBVT
GoFan online tickets: https://gofan.co/app/events/840486?schoolId=MA22169
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

Bumper stickers to honor Mr. Couto are on sale for $10. All proceeds will be donated to
his scholarship fund and his family. Stickers will be sold during all lunches
Tuesday-Thursday this week. To purchase one, you can also email Ella Fisher
(efisher23@freelake.org). Thank you for your support!