Luke Richards & Father - Franklin Pierce - sports management - Golf

Brian Vale & family - Husson College - exercise science - track and field

Emilia Keane & Family - University of New England -physical therapy - lacrosse

Ethan Brown & Family -Bridgewater State University - criminal justice -football

Congratulations to our Lakers and their families celebrating their commitment to further their education and athletic participation to the next level!

Away athletic events today:
Baseball at East Bridgewater
Boy’s Lacrosse at Bourne
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

REMINDER to ALL! ARHS will be hosting a Local Author EXPO on Saturday, April 29th
from 11 am - 2 pm. Admission is free! A few of the authors scheduled to attend: A
returning favorite, A. Keith Carreiro - author of science fiction/fantasy/thriller about the
quest for human immortality that plays itself out in the 26th century; Brady Knight -
diagnosed with autism, Brady is a self-taught author of children’s stories; Judy Cosby -
author of inspirational memoirs designed to encourage those to examine life through
connections and spirituality; and Lisa Borges - writing from personal experiences, Lisa
brings us on an average person’s struggle to lose weight and keep it off!

Portuguese club is meeting today at 2:20 in room 218

Away athletic events today: Boys tennis at Seekonk, Baseball at ORR, Girls Lacrosse at NB Home athletic events today: Softball vs. ORR....postponed due to wet fields, Girls tennis vs. Seekonk. All schedules can be found at: https://arbiterlive.com/Teams?entityId=673 Please check our site for weather updates

Attention all senior Laker student athletes. Principal Dessert will be recognizing your athletic commitment signing on Tuesday April 25th, 1:15 in the main ARHS office. If you wish to be recognized please contact AD Cabucio, jcabucio@freelake.org.

Great day of competition for the SCC Relays hosted at Apponequet today with around 1,000 participants and spectators on campus. Well done Lakers!

Spirit week is the week after break, here are the days: Monday is Pajama Day, Tuesday is
America Day, Wednesday is Twin with a Teacher Day, Thursday is Jersey Vs. Jersey
Shore Day, and Friday is Class Color Day.

Friday, April 28th, we will be having a Pep Rally unlike any other before. There will be a
Senior Vs. Teacher basketball game, dance shows, contests, and giveaways. Bring your
money to lunch the week after break to pay a dollar to nominate a teacher, any teacher, to
be on the Teacher Team. During lunch we will also be doing various raffles and contests
so make sure to bring your cash! Bring money for the pep Rally itself for fan merch, a
Miracle Minute near and dear to the heart of our community, and more.

Away athletic events today:
Softball at New Bedford
Girl’s tennis at Case
Home athletic events today:
Baseball vs . East Bridgewater
Boys Lacrosse vs. GNBVT
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates

Did you know that April is Autism Awareness month? Autism, or autism spectrum disorder
(ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills,
repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for
Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 36 children in the United States today.
The LIFE Club invites everyone to WEAR BLUE tomorrow, Thursday, April 13th to
celebrate Autism Awareness month. WEAR BLUE tomorrow to spread acceptance and
awareness of Autism and to show your support of diversity!

April 14th is the National Day of silence. Day of Silence brings attention to the hatred,
oppression, and prejudice that those within the LGBT community face. Those who
participate believe they can spread their message by being silent on this day. We will
observe the day on the 13th this Thursday, if you are interested or want more info please
contact Kim D or any GSA member.

Spirit week is the week after break, here are the days: Monday is Pajama Day, Tuesday is
America Day, Wednesday is Twin with a Teacher Day, Thursday is Jersey Vs. Jersey
Shore Day, and Friday is Class Color Day.

The Art, Share, Travel meeting for this week has been postponed until after vacation. We
will not meet today. Please check the Google Classroom for more information.

Attention Juniors! Want to spend the day looking at colleges with your favorite guidance
counselors?? Come join us on Tuesday, May 23rd for the Bridgewater State College fair.
Over 70 colleges will be there and we will do a tour of Bridgewater. Space is limited and
permission slips available in guidance.

Away athletic events today:
Baseball at Case High school
Girl’s tennis at West Bridgewater
Home athletic events today:
Softball vs Case High school
All schedules can be found at:
Please check our site for weather updates