Laker Nation News
Laker Nation wishes you a happy STEM Week! Thirty students had the enriching opportunity to work with three Engineering teachers and two Engineers who work in the field. On Thursday, three groups created a loop of five different segments which would carry a ping pong ball around a loop twice, using motors and Lego mindset kits to program their devices. Four hours of planning and building led to three amazing presentations of student-designed engineering. Thank you to all who made this event possible!
Core Value Recipients:
Eoin Gallagher - Honor
Wyatt Shea - Achievement
Leah McGee - Self Advocacy
Congratulations to this week’s Laker raffle winner for perfect punctuality: Madison Auger
Upcoming Events:
Homecoming Tickets will be on sale after school in the cafeteria starting:
Friday, October 28th, for Grade 12.
Monday, October 31st (spooky) for grades 12 and 11.
Thursday, November 3rd, for Grades 12, 11, and 10.
Friday, November 4th, for all grades.
And Monday November 7th before and after school for all grades.
Tickets are 50 dollars each, or 45 dollars if you bring an unexpired canned good to donate. If you are bringing an outside guest, stop by the main office for an outside guest form. Forms are due by next Monday 10/24/22.
The Powderpuff game is back! Come watch the Seniors take on the Juniors on Tuesday November 8th at 6:30 pm on the football field. Tickets are $3.00 and will be sold at the game. Any Junior or Senior interested in playing or coaching should sign up by Monday October 24th. Look for the fliers around the building and scan the QR Code to sign up. Players and coaches should bring $3.00 to Mrs. Pacelli or Mr. Deus in order to participate.
Laker Nation Unified Basketball is back!! Come support the team at 3:30 pm on October 24th!
The next AST meeting will be held on Monday, October 24th. We will meet in Ms. Lima's room after school from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Our club will also stay to watch the Unified Basketball game that starts at 3:30 pm. Hope to see you there!
If you missed Picture Day or need a retake, ready your smile for November 4th.
Any student interested in being certified as a lifeguard should contact Coach Cabucio.
Any female student with interest in girls ice hockey this season should contact Coach Cabucio.
2023 Yearbooks are also on sale now for all students and staff. Use the link in your Laker Locker to place your order today!
The Fall athletic season is underway! Please check for all of our contest schedules and join us for exciting competition.
Varsity Fall Sports Standings: Football 5-1-0 , Field Hockey 1-9-3 , Volleyball 6-10-0, Golf 15-2-0, Boys Soccer 1-13-1, Girls Soccer 12-2-1, Boys Cross Country 5-1-0 and Girls Cross Country 5-1-0.
Please see the daily announcements on the ARHS website for shoutouts to our students.
Student dismissal: Please visit and choose the Apponequet website. Click on the “ARHS Parent Dismissal button” and complete the form to dismiss your student.
Reminder of Driving Instructions for Parents/Guardians
Drop Off - The school opens at 7:00 am and students are supervised in the Lecture Hall until the bell rings at 7:30 am.
Please note that both entrances are open for drop off this year. Vehicles must exit by the same side as they entered and are cautioned to drive carefully as our student drivers enter the building from the parking lot. Please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew with any questions.
Pick Up - We continue to ask parents and guardians to park when arriving for pick up to ensure that cars do not block the bus lanes and Howland Road. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew.
Follow ARHS on Instagram - Arhs.lakernation - where we celebrate every day Laker life, events and our Core Value Award recipients. We have honored multiple students for their achievement, honor, resilience, self-advocacy and random acts of kindness.
Upcoming Dates:
October 28: Third grade release
November 1: In-Service Day/No school for students
November 4: Picture Retakes
November 4: Term One grades close
November 8: Powder Puff Game
November 21: Parent-Teacher Night
November 18 & 19: Fall Play
December 16: Winter Ball
December 21: Holiday Bingo