drawn image of notepaper, pencil  and squiggles  with text of ARHS updates October 2, 2022

Laker Nation News  

Laker Nation has finished the month of September on a high note, as busy as ever! We are happy to have concluded a very successful NEAS&C (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) three day visit this past week. The visiting team recognized our students’ pride in their school, their relationship with staff, and our ever growing choice of electives for hands-on learning, to name a few. We will use their commendations and recommendations as areas of continued growth. We thank all of the faculty, staff, directors, School Committee members, and students who participated in this process. 

Here’s more of what has happened this week:

The Class of 2023 held a meeting with a large turnout as officers and members discussed pep rally, T-shirts, dances, Senior Sunrise, and more. Stay tuned for upcoming events.

ARHS is starting a Teen Book Club! An informational meeting was held this week. Please see the flyers and contact Mrs. O’Brien for more information. 

Friday night’s first home football game is red, white, and blue for Laker Pride!

The second of our college fairs was held this past Thursday with a number of colleges and universities as well as three branches of the military.  Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors explored post-secondary options dressed in college swag!

The Criminal Law class hosted a guest speaker from the Providence Port Authority and more than fifty students were able to learn from his experience. 

The Class of 2026 has voted!  

Congratulations to:

Cameron Poirier -- President

Ryan O'Connor -- Vice President

Amelia Menendez -- Secretary

Luca Rubini -- Treasurer

And for class representative:

Scarlett Teixeira

Vidhya Santhosh

Charlotte Carvalho

Thank you again to all who participated!

Congratulations to our Vision of the Graduate, Core Value winners:

Madison Auger - Resilience

Addison Combs - Resilience

Logan Conlon - Honor

Derik Lambert - Honor

Lucianna Martins- Self-Advocacy

Addison Combs- Resilience

Congratulations to this week’s Laker raffle winner for perfect punctuality:  Aurora Corbett

Events this past week include 

The Apponequet Players 

Class of 2023

Student Council Night Meeting 


AST- Art, Share, Travel


Plenty of opportunities to get involved!

Looking forward:

If you missed Picture Day or need a retake, ready your smile for November 4th. 

The football team is selling pink out t-shirts for their home game on October 7th. All

proceeds from the sale of the shirts will go to fund breast cancer research. You can

purchase a shirt from Ethan Brown or Harrison Lemieux for $20.00 each. Shirts will also

be available at our first home game on Friday, September 30th.

Any student interested in being certified as a lifeguard should contact Coach Cabucio.

Any female student with interest in girls ice hockey this season should contact Coach


Looking for an internship to explore your passions? The Library Media Specialist Student Internship is looking for students with a love of technology, reading, and community involvement. Please see Mrs. O’Brien for more information. 

We are hiring student custodians to work after school for a four hour shift. Minimum wage is paid for this internship. Please visit the main office for an application. Stay tuned for more internships from LakeCam and with our SRO.

Are you looking to try your hand at Super Smash Brothers, Magic the Gathering or YuGiOh?  Maybe you're hoping to start a D and D campaign with other mages and paladins. Game Club, a.k.a. SHAPE will begin meeting next Thursday October 6th in room 107 right after school until 3:15. Please see or email Mr. Giorlando if you have any questions.

Drama Club meeting Monday 10/03. All students interested in theater, regardless of whether or not they are involved in the fall play are encouraged to attend.

Calling all Videographers! The Mass Department of Transportation is once again holding its Safe Streets/Smart Trips High School Video Contest! Interested students must create a PSA. For more information

please see Mrs. O’Brien in the library or visit the library website.

All Senior yearbook materials are due on Friday October 7th using the Yearbook link in the Class of 2023 Laker Locker. Seniors who still need your Senior Photo taken for the yearbook, LifeTouch has added an additional date on Saturday October 8th.   Please use the link in your Laker Locker to sign up. Or see Ms. Lima for more information! We will also be taking our traditional bleacher photo on the half-day on October 7th. 

2023 Yearbooks are also on sale now for all students and staff. Use the link in your Laker Locker to place your order today!

Our annual Homecoming Dance will be a Winter Ball this year! The decision to change the date to December 16th is a result of negotiations with last year’s venue and the Student Council’s desire to hold the venue at White’s of Westport which better supports our 500 plus guests. More information to follow!

The Fall athletic season is underway!  Please check www.southcoastconference.org for all of our contest schedules and join us for exciting competition.

Varsity Fall Sports Standings: Football 2-1-0 , Field Hockey 1-4-1 , Volleyball 3-5-0, Golf 7-0-0, Boys Soccer 0-6-1, Girls Soccer 6-1-0, Boys Cross Country 4-0-0 and Girls Cross Country 4-0-0.

Please see the daily announcements on the ARHS website for shoutouts to our students. 

The Southeast Soccer Academy, SESA, is seeking 4 to 6 volunteers to field set up and take down (putting down cones, picking them up, pop-up nets, corner flags), demonstrate some soccer skills and techniques, volunteer ref and volunteer coach as needed, distribute and collect reversible jerseys before and after events, etc.  This recreational program is held at Bristol Community College soccer fields September 18 through October 23, Sunday mornings from 8 AM till 10:15 AM. Volunteers preferably have some soccer experience but not required. Please see Mrs. Frizado in the Main Office for information. Community service hours will be awarded. 


Student dismissal: Please visit freelake.org and choose the Apponequet website. Click on the “ARHS Parent Dismissal button” and complete the form to dismiss your student.

Reminder of Driving Instructions for Parents/Guardians 

Drop Off - The school opens at 7:00 am and students are supervised in the Lecture Hall until the bell rings at 7:30 am. 

Please note that both entrances are open for drop off this year. Vehicles must exit by the same side as they entered and are cautioned to drive carefully as our student drivers enter the building from the parking lot.  Please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew with any questions. 

Pick Up - We continue to ask parents and guardians to park when arriving for pick up to ensure that cars do not block the bus lanes and Howland Road. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew.

Follow ARHS on Instagram - Arhs.lakernation - where we celebrate every day Laker life, events and our Core Value Award recipients. We have honored multiple students for their achievement, honor, resilience, self-advocacy and random acts of kindness.

Upcoming Dates:

September 30: grade release

October 7:  Early Release @ 11:00 am

November 1:  In-Service Day/No school for students

November 4: Picture Retakes

November 4: Term One grades close

November 21: Parent-Teacher Night** (change from November 17)

November 18 & 19: Fall Play

December 16: Winter Ball