image of a sign with a paper clip and text stating ARHS updates, sunday, september 18, 2022

We celebrate the conclusion of our second week of school and our academics, sports, and clubs and activities are in full swing. Here is a look back at the week and forward to next week!

Picture Day is coming! Ready your smile for September 19th. 

The Apponequet Players held their auditions for the 2022 Fall Play, The Play That Goes Wrong. Excited thespians await the cast list!

Congratulations to this week’s Core Value Award winners:

David Miller - Honor

Grace Boiros - Self-Advocacy

Logan Froio - Resilience

Callie Jackson - Resilience

Congratulations to the Laker raffle winners for perfect punctuality:

William Horton

Emily Pavao

Meetings this past week include Art, Share, Travel Club; LGBTQ+ Alliance; Math Team; LIFE Club; and Unified Basketball. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved!

The Class of 2026 has gotten a taste of student government! Laker Leaders presented to freshman advisories and encouraged their candidacies for president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, or class rep! Video submissions will be posted on Tuesday September 20th and elections will occur on Wednesday and Thursday September 21st and 22nd. We look forward to announcing our winners on September 23rd. 

Our Guidance Department presents two College Fairs for grades 10-12 on September 22nd and September 29th. We encourage our students and staff to wear college gear!

All Senior yearbook materials are due on Friday October 7th using the Yearbook link in the Class of 2023 Laker Locker. 

2023 Yearbooks are also on sale now for all students and staff. Use the link in your Laker

Locker to place your order today!

Our first grade release is September 16th. This is our first grade release with the new Aspen student information system and portal. Please be patient as we navigate this new program and reach out to teachers and guidance counselors with any questions. 

We will be hosting our decennial NEAS&C (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) visit over a three day period, September 26-28. This visit is part of the accreditation process for New England Schools. We will be showcasing our Vision of the Graduate, academics, safety, and facilities and highlighting all of the wonderful activities and achievements by our students and school community. 

Student Council will be having a monthly meeting Tuesday September 20th, from 6 PM to

7:30 PM in the library. If you want to get involved in student council we would love to see

you there!

The Green Team will meet on September 22nd in room 132. 

The Fall athletic season is underway!  Please check for all of our contest schedules and join us for exciting competition.

Varsity Fall Sports Standings: Football 0-1-0 , Field Hockey 0-1-0 , Volleyball 0-3-0, Golf 2-0-0, Boys Soccer 0-2-0, Girls Soccer 2-0-0, Boys Cross Country 2-0-0 and Girls Cross Country 2-0-0.

Please see the daily announcements on the ARHS website for shoutouts to our students. 


Student dismissal: Please visit and choose the Apponequet website. Click on "Menu" and then “Parent Dismissal Form” to dismiss your student.

Reminder of Driving Instructions for Parents/Guardians 

Drop Off - The school opens at 7:00 am and students are supervised in the Lecture Hall until the bell rings at 7:30 am. 

Please note that both entrances are open for drop off this year. Vehicles must exit by the same side as they entered and are cautioned to drive carefully as our student drivers enter the building from the parking lot.  Please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew with any questions. 

Pick Up - We continue to ask parents and guardians to park when arriving for pick up to ensure that cars do not block the bus lanes and Howland Road. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew.

Follow ARHS on Instagram - Arhs.lakernation - where we celebrate every day Laker life, events and our Core Value Award recipients. We have honored multiple students for their achievement, honor, resilience, self-advocacy and random acts of kindness.

Upcoming Dates:

September 16: First grade release

September 19: Picture Day

September 22 and 29: College Fair

September 26-28: NEAS&C visit

October 7:  Early Release @ 11:00 am

October 29: Homecoming Dance  New Date TBD

November 1:  In-Service Day/No school for students

November 17: Parent-Teacher Night

November 18 & 19: Fall Play