image of school supplies against a wood background with text of ARHS updates, October 20, 2024

image of a tree outside of ARHS almost in full fall color

Greetings Lakers! We are two weeks from the end of Term 1. Grades close on November 1st.

Here are some other dates of which to make note:

10.25.24 - Senior Breakfast

11.01.24-11.02.24 - School Play

11.05.24 - No School

11.07.24 - Library Movie Night

11.11.24 - Holiday - No School

11.12.24 - Powder Puff Game

11.14.24 - NHS Induction

11.15.24 - Homecoming

11.21.24 - Parent/Guardian - Teacher Night

11.27.24 - ½ day

11.28.24-11.29.24 - No School

Seniors have submitted their photos and blurbs for the yearbook and they have taken their traditional Bleacher Photo. Next week they will attend Senior Breakfast on Friday in which they sign the class T-shirt, pay senior dues, order their caps and gowns, and more. Seniors and families, please view the Senior Information packet for more information. Senior Events  Senior Dues

We thank the towns of Freetown and Lakeville for their registration day at all lunches on Tuesday. Students were able to register to vote, learn more about the voting process, and pick up some democracy swag. This collaboration allows students to find a larger arena to have their voices heard. 

PSATs were held for 125 juniors this past Wednesday. We thank the Guidance Department for making this possible!

Nov 1 Military meet & Greet. Meet with representatives from various military branches.

There is still time for students to sign-up for the Military Meet and Greet. Any student who is interested and would like more information can contact their Guidance Counselor and sign up with them. 

STEM week is a state sponsored event in which schools spend the week focusing on STEM related learning and activities.  The elementary schools are working on a week-long engineering design project.  Students from the ARHS Honors Physics classes will be visiting GRAIS, AES, and FES to help mentor the elementary students as they work together to plan, build and test their engineering design solutions.  Stay tuned for pictures of this collaboration!

The Superintendent’s Round Table and our ARHS Equity Team met this week. The Round Table participants are thirty-one students who want to make a difference. Based on their interests and causes, we will see action in the areas of facilities, mental health, school policy, and more. The Equity Team is continuing their quest for inclusivity and acceptance and planning ways to help all who enter these doors to feel welcome. As an offshoot of the Equity Team, members will be creating a Culture Club, held after school. Stay tuned! 

Keolis, in partnership with Operation Lifesaver, will be visiting Apponequet on Tuesday, 10/22/2024, during all lunch blocks. As the operator of the commuter rail, Keolis will have an information table set up in the lunchroom, offering resources on train safety. You’re encouraged to stop by and learn more. For additional details about Operation Lifesaver, feel free to visit their website:

Any student with interest in participating in winter gymnastics at the high school level should email Athletic Director Cabucio at

Core Value Recipients:

Colin McKay - Achievement

Peter Kanakis -Achievement

Nicholas Rivas - Achievement

Gabrielle Richards - Achievement

Keegan Rosa - Achievement

Madeline Bonneau - Honor

Lucianna Martins - Honor


Here is a list of clubs to join:

Student Government (class)

Student Council - J. Solomon, L. Mordini

Art, Share, Travel Club - K. Lima

Chorus/Select Choirs - J. Kendall

DECA - F. Rosa, J. Cronin 

LIFE (Lakers) - N. Briggs

Environmental Club - K. Marshall

Game Club/SHAPE - J. Giorlando

GSA (Gay/Straight Alliance) - A. Correia

Math Team - S. Pacheco

NHS (National Honor Society)-by invite - B. Ferreira

Tech and Engineering Club - J. Mare

Unified Basketball - N. Briggs

Yearbook - K. Desrosiers

All Booked at Apponequet - J. O’Brien

Debate Club - M. Macek - New!

image of the Go Green clothing bin. Text of Clothes and shoes recycling bin, Keep your clothes and shoes out of local landfills

The Annual Trunk or Treat event at FES is on Saturday 10/19 (rain date 10/20) from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.  They are looking for volunteers to help pass out candy to the participating cars and direct foot traffic.  If interested in volunteering for this event, come to the main office for more information.

Clothing Bin - We are happy to "Go Green" by reducing textile waste from the local landfill with a FREE, No-Work Clothing and Shoes Recycling Fundraising Program. This clothing bin is located by the fence of the upper lot between GRAIS and ARHS. Please donate your clothing, rags, linens, shoes, handbags, and more to be recycled. Funds earned by this program will be used by our Laker Leader group to support community initiatives and school-wide needs. 

If you would like to be on the mailing list regarding meetings, events or volunteer opportunities sponsored by the Boosters, please fill out the Boosters Membership Google form 

Important Dates:

10.25.24 - Senior Breakfast

11.01.24-11.02.24 - School Play

11.05.24 - No School

11.07.24 - Movie Night

11.11.24 - Holiday - No School

11.12.24 - Powder Puff Game

11.14.24 - NHS Induction

11.15.24 - Homecoming

11.21.24 - Parent/Guardian - Teacher Night

11.27.24 - ½ day

11.28.24-11.29.24 - No School