We’ve wrapped up the final week of Term 2/Semester 1 with all sorts of activities from a Mock Trial in Criminal Law, to a crime scene in Forensics, chocolate pancakes in the Art of Healthy Living, Podcasts in ARHS Sports Center and the new sensation, Nitro ball in Wellness. It’s not all just fun and games; every class completes their semester with a written component to the final exam. But, we do prize the cognitive engagement and the higher order thinking skills involved in simulation and creation. In fact, it has been our goal, in the past two years, to continue to add authentic learning experiences and engaging activities and you’ll even see a few new classes offered next year.
Our faculty is always learning too! Just this week, we engaged in our monthly professional development studying cognitive engagement, student choice, mistakes as part of learning, and methods to elevate creativity.
Highlighting classrooms this week:
Anatomy and Physiology students create a lab on the appendicular skeleton. Student pairs choose 10 components, label, teach the class, and create and grade the assessment. Engaging learning at its best!
Core Value Recipients:
Delaney Bazydlo - Resilience
Bilong Baptista - Random Act of Kindness
Annie Smith - Honor
Kate Suneson - Honor
Colin Carvalho - Honor
Here is a list of clubs to join:
Student Government (class)
Student Council - J. Solomon, L. Mordini
Art, Share, Travel Club - K. Lima
Chorus/Select Choirs - E. Ledwith
DECA - F. Rosa, J. Cronin
LIFE (Lakers) - N. Briggs
Environmental Club - K. Marshall
Game Club/SHAPE - J. Giorlando
GSA (Gay/Straight Alliance) - A. Robidoux
Math Team - S. Pacheco
NHS (National Honor Society)-by invite - B. Ferreira
Tech and Engineering Club - J. Mare
Unified Basketball - N. Briggs
Yearbook - K. Desrosiers
All Booked at Apponequet - J. O’Brien
*Debate Club - M. Macek- New!
A Note from the Nurse:
Dear Families,
The health and safety of our students, families and staff are always our top priority.
As we head into the new year, we want to acknowledge that there have been many illnesses this season, and that families have inquired about Covid-19 testing and/or the availability of sending home test kits. In recognition of this, our district nurses have acquired Covid-19 test kits through the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. We would like to offer, to those that may need it, a Covid-19 test kit for their child. The kits can be sent home per parent/guardian request. There is a limited supply and will be given on an as needed basis.
We would like to note that there have been no current changes to practices or guidelines on Covid-19 at this time. FLRSD continues to follow the MA guidance which can be found at: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-isolation-and-exposure-guidance-for-children-and-staff-in-child-care-k-12-out-of-school-time-ost-and-recreational-campprogram-settings
As always please contact your school nurse with any questions.
Events and opportunities
We are so grateful for your support of the Laker Care Closet which stocks items for students with unmet needs or unexpected "situations" so that they may be able to better focus on school and achieve.
Please visit our regularly updated wishlist for needed items!
Varsity Winter Sports Standings: Boys Basketball 5-3-0, Girls Basketball 9-3-0 , Boys Swim 2-3-0, Girls Swim 2-3-0, Boys Ice Hockey 4-6-0, Girls Ice Hockey 5-5-0, Boys Indoor Track 2-2-0 and Girls Indoor Track 4-0-0.
Please check www.southcoastconference.org for all of our contest schedules and join us for exciting competition and please see the daily announcements on the ARHS website for shoutouts to our students.
Student dismissal: Please visit freelake.org and choose the Apponequet website. Click on the “ARHS Parent Dismissal button” and complete the form to dismiss your student.
Reminder of Driving Instructions for Parents/Guardians
Drop Off - The school opens at 7:00 am and students are supervised in the Lecture Hall until the bell rings at 7:30 am.
Please note that both entrances are open for drop off this year. Vehicles must exit by the same side as they entered and are cautioned to drive carefully as our student drivers enter the building from the parking lot. Please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew with any questions.
Pick Up - We continue to ask parents and guardians to park when arriving for pick up to ensure that cars do not block the bus lanes and Howland Road. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew.
Upcoming Dates:
January 22 - Term 2/Semester 1 closes- (adjusted due to 1/18/24 dismissal)
January 23 - Term 3 begins; Class meetings held
January 30 - Scholarship Program Info Session for Parents/Guardians
February 2 - ½ Day - early dismissal
February 19-23 - February Vacation