Happy November! Grades closed on Friday November 3rd, and we are looking forward to celebrating our students’ achievement. Last year, 58% of our students earned Honor Roll status in our first term and we are hoping to break our record, as we always strive to improve. Class meetings will be held on November 6th, with each grade, to review academic, behavioral, and social expectations.
We will honor our high achievers on November 6th at our National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. Four grade 12 and sixty-eighty grade 11 students will be welcomed into NHS. Family and friends are invited to join us at 6:00 pm in the Auditorium.
November 7th is an in-service day for staff. Students will not attend school on Tuesday, November 7th, 2023. Friday, November 10th, 2023 is Veteran’s Day and there will be no school for staff and students.
Massachusetts Civics Project Kick-Off
Please see this attachment for information regarding this Project.
Save the date for our annual
Powder Puff Football Game!
November 14th at 6:30 PM
Rain date is Wednesday November 15th. Tickets will be sold at the gate. They are $5.00 for adults and students.
Students have purchased Homecoming tickets this week, with one more date for all grades, November 6th, before and after school. Homecoming will be held at White’s of Westport on November 17th.
Spirit Week- November 13-17
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Tourist Day
Wednesday - Age Day (Upperclassmen dress like senior citizens and underclassmen dress like toddlers/babies)
Thursday - Grillmaster Vs. Soccer Parent
Friday - Class Color
Pep Rally- November 17, 2023 - We will hold our Fall Pep Rally in the gym from 1-2:10. Be prepared to be amazed at the games planned and for a presentation of the National Banner recognition from Special Olympics North America which highlights that ARHS has successfully achieved national standards of excellence in the areas of inclusion, advocacy and respect!
Indoor Track is back! Are you interested in staying in shape over the winter, improving your speed, endurance, jumping ability or weight lifting while being a part of a supportive team environment? If you answered yes, then come to the Indoor Track and Field preseason meeting next Thursday, November 9th, at 2:20 pm in the lecture hall! Email Coach Walecka with any questions!
Students were recently invited to join the ARHS Equity Team, comprised of administration, teachers and students. This group will work, on the building level, to inform and participate in the DEI Coalition. You are invited to join our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coalition (DEI) a group of staff, students, parents, and community dedicated to sharing knowledge and taking concrete action in service of a more diverse, equitable and inclusive community. All are welcome! November 21, 2023, 6:00 pm, ARHS Lecture Hall.
Our Laker Leaders would have a great deal of kindness initiatives for the month of November, including Laker Monopoly, Cafeteria Games, and Tuesday Trivia, to name a few. Ongoing plans include a blood drive, a food drive, and a pet supply drive. Stay tuned for more information. They would also like to caution students and community members to drive slowly and carefully through the four-way stop (take turns!) and to proceed slowly through the parking lot. Safety first!
Our Engineering Department has launched its first MakerBot Certification Course. This is an opportunity for students to learn, experiment, and gain valuable skills that can be applied to various fields, from engineering to art and beyond. This course is designed for individuals who have shown exceptional dedication, creativity, and a passion for innovation and will provide certification and an in-depth understanding of 3D printing technology. Our first five students were invited based on merit and interest. Stay tuned for the growth of this opportunity.
Core Value Recipients:
Lindsey Lebeau - Random Act of Kindness
Cecilia Levrault - Random Act of Kindness
Ryan O’Connor - Resilience
Grady Dionne - Honor
Nora McClurkin - Achievement
Matthew Barboza - Random Act of Kindness
Brayden Bogdan - Achievement
Meredith Hayward - Honor
Here is a list of clubs to join:
Student Government (class)
Student Council - J. Solomon, L. Mordini
Art, Share, Travel Club - K. Lima
Chorus/Select Choirs - E. Ledwith
DECA - F. Rosa, J. Cronin
LIFE (Lakers) - N. Briggs
Environmental Club - K. Marshall
Game Club/SHAPE - J. Giorlando
GSA (Gay/Straight Alliance) - K. Desrosiers
Math Team - S. Pacheco
NHS (National Honor Society)-by invite - B. Ferreira
Tech and Engineering Club - J. Mare
Unified Basketball - N. Briggs
Yearbook - K. Desrosiers
Debate Club - M. Macek (coming soon!)
All Booked at Apponequet - J. O’Brien
Coming Soon - Debate Club!
Events and opportunities
We are so grateful for your support of the Laker Care Closet which stocks items for students with unmet needs or unexpected "situations" so that they may be able to better focus on school and achieve.
Please visit our regularly updated wishlist for needed items!
The Fall athletic season is underway! Please check www.southcoastconference.org for all of our contest schedules and join us for exciting competition and please see the daily announcements on the ARHS website for shoutouts to our students.
Varsity Fall Sports Standings: Football 3-5-0 , Field Hockey 5-11-2, Volleyball 10-9-0, Golf 8-9-0, Boys Soccer 6-11-1, Girls Soccer 16-1-3, Boys Cross Country 6-2-0, Girls Cross Country 8-0-0 and Unified Basketball 0-5-0.
Student dismissal: Please visit freelake.org and choose the Apponequet website. Click on the “ARHS Parent Dismissal button” and complete the form to dismiss your student.
Reminder of Driving Instructions for Parents/Guardians
Drop Off - The school opens at 7:00 am and students are supervised in the Lecture Hall until the bell rings at 7:30 am.
Please note that both entrances are open for drop off this year. Vehicles must exit by the same side as they entered and are cautioned to drive carefully as our student drivers enter the building from the parking lot. Please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew with any questions.
Pick Up - We continue to ask parents and guardians to park when arriving for pick up to ensure that cars do not block the bus lanes and Howland Road. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Main Office or SRO Bartholomew.
Follow ARHS on Instagram - Arhs.lakernation - where we celebrate every day Laker life, events and our Core Value Award recipients. We have honored multiple students for their achievement, honor, resilience, self-advocacy and random acts of kindness.
Upcoming Dates:
November 6 - National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
November 7 - No School
November 10 - No School
November 14- Powder Puff Football
November 17 - Homecoming
December 1&2 - Fall Play