Upcoming Dates:
December 13th - PTO meeting 7:00 Cafeteria
December 14th - Holiday Concert - Grade 3 families - 10:00 - Cafeteria
December 15 - 21 - Holiday Shoppe
December 23 - ½ day - Holiday Break
January 3rd - Return from Holiday Break
12.19 Jingle Bell Rock! Rock Your Holiday colors! | 12.20
Holiday Chaos! Over accessorize with holiday gear! | 12.21 Let’s take a Long Winter’s Nap! Pajama Day | 12.22 Grinch VS. Santa Who will you pick? Red or Green Bring your favorite winter/holiday book and stuffie | 12.23 ½ day
Festive Friday sweater |
We had a great week here at AES! I would like to give a HUGE shout out to the following students for presenting at the School Committee meeting on Wednesday night! Great job to our third graders for presenting their OPINION and RESPONSE TO TEXT pieces:
Luke Fasel
Cameron Goyette
Julia Harris
Alima and Masiray Kamara
Karalyn Thetonia
Along with teachers: Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Johnson
And to our kindergarteners for presenting their MATH WALKS!
Cora Leilios and Zachary Kohn
Along with teachers: Mrs.. Martino and Miss Martino
Just a reminder that Report cards were posted - December 6th
Please find directions for viewing published reports (ex. report cards) in the Aspen family portal. Attached are also some tips and tricks for navigating the portal for any of you that have not yet accessed your account.
Any questions can be directed to aspenhelp@freelake.org.
Navigating the Aspen Family Portal.pdf
View Published Reports in the Family or Student Portal.pdf
BRUINS EVENT in MARCH: assawompset 1-22 2.0.pdf
AES Yearbook Information:
We are looking for photos to include in our yearbook. These pictures must be of SCHOOL events and only include current AES students. We will be utilizing grade-level emails to take submissions. For example, if you took a picture of your 2nd grader at the Fun Run you would submit the picture to a 2nd-grade yearbook email address. Please include the child/children's NAME and EVENT in the SUBJECT of the email. Unfortunately, not ALL photos will be included in the yearbook as we will try to include the almost 500 students that AES has in the number of pages that we can use.
A look into our classrooms:
Kindergarten students painted their ornaments, fresh out of the kiln!
First graders used toothpicks to make snowflakes on clay.
Second graders designed a mitten out of clay.
Third graders are using terra cotta clay, pine needles, and alphabet pasta to make stars.
This week in grades K-2, we worked on what it is to be a GREAT audience member. We watched a short video and discussed how we should be sitting during a concert, in preparation for the 3rd grade Winter concert! All grades also worked on their rhythm patterns using popsicle sticks.
3rd: We are less than a week away from the big day!! Wednesday, December 14 @ 10:00am in the AES gymnasium, the 3rd graders will be performing their Winter concert! Looking forward to seeing everyone!
It’s the Hour of Code week in the library! All of our students are participating online in the Hour of Code. Students in kindergarten and first grade are learning basic coding skills using the program, Code Monkey Jr. Students in second grade are using the program, Beaver Achiever while third graders are enhancing their coding skills with Dance Party. I encourage all families to go to the Hour of Code website and explore coding with your family!
This week in PE we begin our very popular target games unit by playing Snowman Down. Students in all grades are playing this very fast paced game. The goal of the game is for students to protect their snowmen from being knocked over by snowballs being thrown by other players. In this unit we will really be focused on stepping toward our targets, and making accurate throws. .
This week we focused on the essential question, “What shapes do you see around you?” We read a nonfiction book titled “Shapes All Around” which had us noticing and identifying the shapes of everyday objects. The kindergarten students went on a math walk searching for shapes throughout our school. They were incredibly excited to find circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles in the hallways and on the playground. We are learning the letters Vv and Ww and the sight word “like”. In math we are learning about the number 10!
Grade 1
This week we discussed how animals live together. We learned about the various habitats animals can be found and what they do to help each other survive. A lot of our texts this week have been nonfiction, which have been a big hit among the students. We are learning the glued sounds /an/ and /am/ this week. Students are building and reading words with these sounds. Students are working on doubles and doubles plus one in math. They are practicing skills of addition, subtraction, counting 10’s and 1’s, and tallies as well. We look forward to meeting with all families at this week's parent teacher conferences!
Grade 3
In third grade, we continue to learn about our government’s structure at all levels: local; state; and federal. Our reading selection this week is called Vote! It explains to children how our system is set up, and why it is important to vote. They have enjoyed voting for various things in the classroom, and talking about all the occasions that kids actually have opportunity for input. In science we continue to study life cycles. In math we are working on two-step word problems, including how to recognize them, and how to decide what operation to use.
In other news, we had a visit from three musicians and the education representative of the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra. This year’s theme is Symmetry in Nature and Music. In January the educator, Ms. Nichols, will return and visit our classrooms. The children will make music with her, and the experience will culminate in March with our field trip to see the orchestra perform their annual Young People’s Concert.
Nurse’s Nook:
The area has seen a lot of FLU cases so far. The Nurses Office has been sending sick children home fever, headaches and uncontrollable coughs. Please try to stay your healthiest- wash your hands and cover your cough.
Follow us on Twitter @FLRSDsuper
Follow us on instagram @FLRSDsuper
Thank you! Have a great weekend.
Bethany Pineault