image of an American flag against a whitewashed wood background and text of AES updates, November 10, 2024


image of an American flag with a shadow of someone saluting the flag

Happy Veterans Day to all! Thank you for serving our country and protecting our freedoms. Today and every day, WE are grateful for you!  Veterans Day is one of the most important holidays, in my opinion.  It is a day to honor our own freedom and all who have served for us.  At AES, we do our best each year to make it a meaningful day for kids, and not just a “day off.”  AES celebrated with a school wide ceremony, readings and cards made for soldiers, school wide songs (thank you Mrs. E) and our annual tradition:  “Flags for Freedom.”  This is the presentation shared with the kids (includes some very moving videos and songs!  Check it out!

One of our FAVORITES:  We Honor You - SONG Veteran's Day 2024

image of the front of AES with flags posted on the front lawn
image of students holding flags on the front lawn of the schoolimage of students holding flags on the front lawn of the schoolimage of students holding flags on the front lawn of the school


MOCK ELECTIONS:   And the winner is ……………………………..image of a cartoon drawing of a pig that looks like it is celebrating


                                 I WON!   I WON!   I WON!  

image of students holding signs for a mock election day

image of students casting their ballots for a mock election

image of students casting their ballots for a mock election

                                                 image of students casting their ballots for a mock election

Thank you to Mrs.  Martin, retired AES Teacher  

     and to the grade 2 team   and students for organizing!

Superintendent Round Tables - We had a great visit here from Superintendent Strauss as he met with his Round Table of 8 students.  We discussed the spirit of GIVING.  Holidays are not always easy and it is a great time to STOP and think about letting someone know how much you appreciate them!  The Round Table of students discussed ways to show gratitude.  

More to come!

 Teaching Gratitude - a reminder from Mrs. McKenna:

The holiday season is quickly approaching and that naturally creates an environment where children are focused on what they want for presents.  So, how do you remind them that the holidays are also a time to be grateful for what they have?  Teach them the skills of gratitude and what it means.  First, gratitude is feeling thankful for the good things one has; not focusing on the things one does not have.  Second, taking the time to express your appreciation to others who have made one’s life better (i.e. family, friends, teachers, peers).  Third, developing positive behaviors as a result of interacting with  those who have impacted them.  Some ideas families can use to teach gratitude to their children include: having children write thank you cards; have a gratitude jar where all family members can leave notes; tell stories to your children about your experiences; have children list positive things from their day and model or role play scenarios to practice these skills.   And of course, when your children receive those holiday presents, simply saying thank you.  

cartoon drawing of a turkey



                           Booksgiving Event (6).pdf

FUN RUN SUCCESS!  We have raised $64,000 to date and donations are accepted through the weekend!  Thanks for supporting our school and to the PTO for organizing the event!image of a eagle, shark, cow, and alligator costumeimage of students walking during the AES fun run fundraiser


Kinders used q-tips to turn their marker drawings into watercolors!

Grade one students designed their portfolios to hold all their work for the year.

Grade two students are starting a Matisse inspired leaf design with oil pastels.

Grade three students began a positive affirmation design with circle templates and rulers.


This week all classes K-3 learned about Diwali. We learned all about the exciting celebration, read a story, and learned some traditional dancing! 

*Mrs. Eacobacci is looking for 5 gallon bucket donations to replace 3 that have broken for our bucket drumming. If anyone has any that they are willing to give the music room, please contact @ 

*The 3rd grade Winter concert will be held on Wednesday, December 11 @10:00am in the AES gymnasium! 


Save the Date! Booksgiving is coming soon! Please begin to send in gently used or new books to share with our students. Read the flyer for me details!

Students this week are learning about Veterans Day. We are reading about Veterans Day using Pebble Go and listening to several Veterans Day books. Students are also learning about the 5 branches of the US Military. 


We want to welcome a baby boy for Mr. Vacarro!  He will return to work after the Thanksgiving break.  Congratulations Mr. V.  :)


This week in Kindergarten, we focused on shapes and where we can find them. We read a nonfiction story titled  “Shapes All Around” to help us learn more about this topic. In math, we are learning about three dimensional shapes and weight.  We learned so much during our mock election and Veterans Day Assembly.  We enjoyed the Fun Run!!!


This week we took the time to review all of the skills that we learned in unit one of Wonders.  In addition, the children learned all about the voting process and they had the unique opportunity to vote on their own.  We also learned all about Veterans Day and why we celebrate this holiday.  The children really enjoyed placing flags on the front lawn to honor all those that  have served.  A huge thank you to the PTO for sponsoring the Fun Run.  The children really enjoyed it!


Veterans Day is Monday, November 11th.  The second grade students honored our Veterans by writing thank you cards and coloring posters. Also, the second graders placed a United States flag on the front lawn of the school and participated in a school assembly.  Retired second grade teacher, Mrs. Martin joined each classroom to teach a lesson on Veterans Day. She helped the students learn about William F. Hitchcock, an AES teacher who lost his life in Vietnam. Our AES playground is dedicated to Mr. Hitchcock. Thank you Veterans. 

GRADE 3 Across the school this week we are learning about and honoring our veterans. We placed flags on the front lawn, had an assembly, and many classes wrote letters to be sent to veterans during the holidays. Thank you to all who have served, and the families that have supported them.

Thank you and have a great day!

Bethany Pineault, Principal

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