🧡 National Bullying Prevention Month 🧡
October is National Bullying Prevention Month which focuses on clarifying bullying behaviors and emphasizing kindness and respect to all. The term bullying is used frequently, and at times, incorrectly to describe student altercations. The definition of bullying as stated by stopbullying.gov “is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.” While our goal is to keep all children safe, we also do not want to label children incorrectly. It is important that children learn the difference between accidental behaviors that are rude, intentional, one time behaviors that are mean and deliberate, targeted and ongoing behaviors that are truly bullying behaviors. Please remember that if you have any concerns regarding your child’s safety, it is important to contact your child’s teacher, counselor or principal so the school staff can assist in resolving those concerns.
So help us spread Kindness, Acceptance and Inclusion here at Assawompset Elementary School! OCTOBER 16th - WEAR ORANGE!
It’s Storybook Pumpkin Time! It’s our 13th annual Storybook Pumpkin Contest and we hope everyone can participate. Click on the link for more details!
This week, students in Kindergarten are learning how to put the book on the shelf the right way and how to browse the book collection. In first grade, students are learning books are in ABC order by the author's last name and are finding call numbers based on a certain letter.
Students in second and third grade are learning how to search Destiny, our online catalog. Students are practicing the life skill of looking up a book, finding the call number and then finding the book on the shelf to check out. They are doing a great job!
This week in PE we are continuing our football unit in grade 2 and 3. In grade 1 and K we are continuing our tag games unit.
This week in Kindergarten, we are learning to sort and count groups of objects based on various attributes and characteristics. Students are learning to explain their math thinking and are noticing that there are many ways to sort and classify objects. In reading, our essential question is “How can we get along with new friends?”. Students discussed ways that we can show our core values of kindness and inclusion with others. Classes are beginning to discuss fire safety in preparation for our field trip to the Lakeville Fire Station next week!
This week in first grade, we are learning math strategies to find the missing number in a math problem. Students are learning to model their math through the use of number bonds. In reading, our essential question was “What is it like where you live?”. Students read stories with a variety of urban and rural settings. In science we wrapped up our learning of seasonal patterns and began learning about the life cycle of pumpkins.
This week in 2nd grade we discussed the essential question “How do Friends depend on each other?” and we read the story “Little Flap Learns to Fly” We are continuing to work on story elements in fiction/fantasy stories. In math we are continuing to work on strategies for addition and subtraction using a 120 chart. In Social Studies we are learning about maps and globes and the children made a compass rose.
In Grade 3 we are diving into multiplication, including the meaning as well as beginning to learn our facts. The kids are doing a great job.
In reading we continue to study cultures and traditions; we are learning that we all have culture and traditions, and we’re discovering new and interesting facts about each other and the world.
We have veered into science to study cranberries in preparation for our field trip to Ward’s Bog in Carver. The children are getting excited about the trip and so are the teachers! This is a fabulous learning opportunity; getting to see an industry that is so important to our local culture and economy is the best.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The School Health Office will be conducting its annual Mandatory Health Screenings for grades K,1,2, and 3.
Kindergarten, 2nd and 3rd graders will have vision and hearing screening. First graders will have vision, hearing, height, weight and BMI.
If a student does not pass the initial screening, a repeat will be done at a later date. A referral will be made and sent home if they do not pass the second screening.
If a parent or guardian wishes to exclude the student from the state required screening, please return this form to the school nurse signed, or email before December 1, 2024.
Thank you,
Nancy Amaral
508-947-1403 x4104
Thank you and have a great day!
Bethany Pineault, Principal
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