image of a basketball net and text of AES updates, March 26, 2023

A note from Miss T:  THANK YOU to everyone for joining the art show this year and to all the volunteers!  We had about 275 students and it was a great day! 

 Thanks again and I look forward to next year! 

Upcoming Dates:

March 27 - Report Cards Posted for term 2

April 7th - Good Friday - NO SCHOOL

April 11 - PTO meeting - 7:00 p.m.

April Vacation Begins  - April 14th

School Resumes - April 24th


Grade 3 Only

Math - May 17 and 18

ELA - April 11 and 12

MCAS Practice:

Here are the links to  the MCAS practice questions so you wish to take a look or have your child practice for the April and May state assessments at home:

ROCK YOUR SOCKS - Great Participation! 

PTO and School Events Coming Up:

PTO Meeting 4/11: 7pm in the AES cafeteria

Staff Appreciation Week 5/1 - 5/5

Father/Daughter Dance 5/6: Planning is currently underway.   Event will take place at AES.  More information to come as we get closer.

*** If anyone would like more information, please email the AES PTO 

LAST CALL FOR YEARBOOK PICTURES!   Please include the child/children's NAME and EVENT in the SUBJECT of the email.

ANY SCHOOL EVENT is accepted,  including events from previous years.

April is NATIONAL POETRY MONTH!  Teachers will be engaging students in Poetry 

lessons, readings and author studies throughout the month.  We would like to culminate 

the month with a celebration or a Poetry Event each day!  We will start each morning with students sharing poetry on the Morning Announcements.  Mrs. Sylvain will also set up an outside Poetry Walk for students around the nature trail/playground!  

April 24 

April 25 

April 26 

April 27 

April 28 

School Wide DEAR (Drop Everything & Read)

Students bring in towels and their favorite poetry or book. We will read SCHOOL WIDE on the field.

Class Poems

Each classroom will be assigned a unique type of poem and create a CLASS one to hang near the library.  We will create a WALL OF POETRY! 

Pictures to come!

Poem in my POCKET

Students will create or be given a poem by their teacher to keep in their pockets and read to others every chance they get!  


Classes will visit other classes, across grade levels and students/classes will share their favorite poets/poetry.  

Pajamas, Popcorn and Poetry!

Students wear their PJs today, the PTO will make homemade popcorn and students will spend time with classmates and engage in poetry related fun!

A look into our classrooms:


K: This week the kindergartners have been playing the boomwhackers! 

1st: The Grandparent's Day performance is scheduled for Wednesday, April 5, 2023 @ 10:00am in the AES gymnasium. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there! 

2nd: The second grade Disney performance is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17, 2023 @ 10:00am in the AES gymnasium. 

3rd: This week the 3rd graders learned to play the letter “A” on the recorder. We’ve been talking a lot about growth vs fixed mindset especially when we play the recorder and the kids completed an activity in small groups where they had to identify what each statement was and place it in the correct column. 


March Book Madness continues! We are in the Final 4 this week and selecting books that will  move on to the Final match. Gibberish, The Cool Bean, Blips on a Screen and That’s Not My Name  have moved on to the Final Four. Students are having a great time listening to the books and voting on their favorites!


This week in PE we are continuing to play basketball together. Students in all grades are practicing dribbling and passing and playing games that help to practice those skills. In grade 2 and 3 we are practicing shooting on an age appropriate sized hoop. 


Spring is here and what a great week to learn about weather! We read Rain by Manya Stojic - a story about animals using their senses to sense the change in weather. Our new sight words were she and was. We are up to 21 words! K Sight Words through 3.24 We also continued our work with teen numbers by using number bonds to make teen numbers with 10 and a group of ones.

Grade 1

We’ve had a lot of fun in first grade this week learning all about how animals and people can work together. Students read about topics such as guide dogs, Koko the gorilla, and how humans can help save honey bees. 

In math, we are continuing with our weekly fact practice. We are also working on time, money and place value. 

First graders are also gearing up for the Grandparents Day performance coming up in a few short weeks. They are excited to share their performance with families. 

Grade 2

Grade 2 had a productive week in second grade. In phonics, they are working on R-Controlled vowel sounds. They are practicing reading and writing words with this syllable type.

In math, subtraction continues to be the area of focus. 

We participated in the district wide “Rock Your Socks” day for World Down Syndrome Day! Here are just some of the great socks students wore!

Grade 3

Grade 3 continues to prepare and practice for the upcoming MCAS. We are starting Unit 4 in Wonders, our new reading program. In math we continue to work on data and measurement; next up is linear measurement, and graphing the data from the measurements. We continue to work on extreme weather in science.


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Follow us on instagram @FLRSDsuper

Thank you!  Have a great weekend.  

Bethany Pineault
