image of an empty classroom with text of FLRSD Sunday message, June 16, 2024

Good evening FLRSD,

As we celebrate the end of the school year and Father’s Day today (and in many cases grandfathers, uncles, brothers, step-fathers, advocates, supporters, coaches, mentors or any of the other amazing men who take care of our children). I am reminded that we owe so much gratitude to those who do so much for us, for our students and for our world.

Father's Day Reminder

In working daily with so many of our Principals, Assistant Principals, Nurses, Faculty, Counselors, Staff, BCBA, OT, Speech and PT staff, Paraprofessionals, Directors, Schedulers, Team Chairs, Secretaries, IT and Library Staff, Food Service Maintenance and Custodial Staffs, Coaches, Advisors, School Committee, and our first responders, town officials, town employees and community partners, I am moved by the responsibility these wonderful role models take on to ensure that our students flourish and that the daily lessons taught reach far beyond the four walls of a classroom, office or the open space of a playing field. Yet, we must always remember that so many of them are feeling the range of emotions shared above and so despite the private difficulties anyone is facing, I thank them for their focus and their commitment to our students. We truly never know what someone is going through and so being kind is always the way! It is why every week there is appreciation of our staff in our Sunday message rather than just one week a year. 

Have a wonderful summer and please enjoy every minute that you have together!

Have a great last week everyone!


Congratulations to our 230 8th Grade Students who will be promoted on Tuesday. 


FLMS and the entire FLRSD district welcome Ms. Jackie Francisco, our new FLMS Principal. Jackie is a former teacher, Principal and most recently the k-12 Fine Arts Director in the Fall River Public Schools.

Jackie was selected by a committee of FLMS Teachers, Parents, Staff and Administrators and her energy, positivity, student centered, data driven, staff supporting focus were amongst the plethora of reasons for their selection. We are excited to have Jackie join us on July 1.

We must all thank Jack Higgins for his outstanding leadership at FLMS as he moves to his new position of Director of Finance and Operations for the District. As he always does regardless of the situation, Jack has provided a great deal of support to Jackie as she transitions her to FLMS.

Campus Programs Department

Below is the Campus Programs link containing flyers for our upcoming summer camps.

Campus Programs Flyers

If your child is interested in attending any of these summer camps, please email Diane Czapiga at

Freetown Lakeville Regional School District School Links

Please click on the link(s) below for district information and easy access to your child’s school news 

FLRSD: News | Freetown Lakeville Regional School District

ARHS: Apponequet Regional High School News

FLMS: Freetown Lakeville Middle School News

GRAIS: George R. Austin Intermediate School News

AES: Assawompset Elementary Schools News

FES: Freetown Elementary School News

Below please find links to important forms and information. These are located on our website but hope this may assist you in locating them quickly.