image of a bouquet of tulips, a red ribbon and text of Happy Mother's Day. FLRSD sunday message, May 12, 2024

Good evening FLRSD,

As we celebrate Mother’s Day today (and in many cases grandmothers, aunts, sisters, step-mothers, advocates, supporters or any of the other amazing women who take care of our children), as well as Teachers, Nurses and Principals Appreciation week  I am reminded that we owe so much gratitude to those who do so much for us, for our kids and for our world.

 A high school student on the news, was quoted last year as saying, what she recommends we do for Mother’s Day; “Why do we celebrate only one day for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, even for Teacher Appreciation week etc?  Everyday we should treat those who care for us and sacrifice daily as if they are special, because one day they will not be here to celebrate. I would be sad if we didn’t learn that.”  We have been given many messages throughout our lives that continue to allow us to live in harmony and peace and none might be as powerful and important as that one. So often we hear of people saying I wish I had said to someone how important they were to me rather than assuming they knew it, and not waited until they were gone. 

With those words driving my thoughts for this message, I was fully prepared to share a story surrounding Mother’s Day, yet as I listened to a podcast on my way home I realized I needed to rethink sharing any story. Not that the story was negative, in fact it was an ode to the amazing lessons, moments and joy mothers everywhere bring to their families. Rather I was reminded that in our messages sometimes we must think beyond the moment (in this case telling the story) and realize the personal sides to this day and the wide range of emotions that Mother’s Day brings.

For many, Mother’s Day will be spent with loved ones, yet we must not forget that for others the day is different. Some are hoping for time to themselves, others are wishing their mom was with them in person rather than watching with pride from above, some are watching their mom in a health journey, others are anxiously waiting to become a mom, or grasping with sadness that at the moment they cannot and others are grieving the loss of a child and this day like so many is incredibly painful. 

So I ask that we remember to heed the words of the astute high school student and try to show all moms (step moms, foster moms, grandmothers, aunts sisters, soon to be moms who have taken on the role for whatever reason, even those who choose to not be moms but love the children in their extended family as if they were their own) that they are appreciated and loved. Call, text, FaceTime but reach out and let them know! If you know someone is struggling due to the sadness of the day, reach out and let them know you are thinking of them. It will matter! 

In working daily with so many of our Principals, Assistant Principals, Nurses, Faculty, Counselors, Staff, BCBA, OT, Speech and PT staff, Paraprofessionals, Directors, Schedulers, Team Chairs, Secretaries, IT and Library Staff, Food Service Maintenance and Custodial Staffs, Coaches, Advisors School Committee, and our town council members, employees and community partners, I am moved by the responsibility these wonderful role models take on to ensure that our students flourish and that the daily lessons taught reach far beyond the four walls of a classroom, office  or the open space of a playing field. Yet, we must always remember that so many of them are feeling the range of emotions shared above and so I thank them for their focus and their commitment to our students. We truly never know what someone is going through and so being kind is always the way! It is why every week is appreciation of our staff in our Sunday message rather than just one week a year. As the senior student said, why not incessantly support and thank others who help.

Thank you to everyone involved in helping MCAS run smoothly- from the IT department, administrators, faculty and staff to our students who worked diligently to perform up to their ability.

Freetown-Lakeville Middle School

The Middle School play Wizard of Oz wrapped up this weekend and it was remarkable. Thank you to our incredible cast and crew and our advisors Mrs Blell and Mr. Johnson.

image of the middle school musical, The Wizard of Oz, showing Dorothy, the scarecrow, and the lion

ARHS-Spring Sports Rankings

Baseball is ranked 3rd in Division 3( 9-4 record)

Boys Tennis ranked 3rd in Division 3( 11-0 record)

Softball is ranked 5th in Division 3(10-3 record)

Boys Lacrosse is ranked 10th in Division 3( 8-2 record)

Girls Lacrosse is ranked 14th in Division 3( 11-1 record)

Girls Tennis is ranked 23rd  in Division 3( 8-3 record)

Boys and Girls track, which do not receive rankings, are having great seasons.

Unified Track is doing amazing things and had their sectionals Thursday.

Thank you to our Nurses and Teachers

image of a bulletin board with text of Thank yo u nursesThank you teachers, Teacher appreciation week, May 8-12,Use teacher appreciation week to advocates for fair compensation, smaller class sizes, quality educational resources, and the respect and trust educators have earned.

Have a fantastic week


Alan Strauss, Superintendent 

Follow FLRSD @FLRSDsuper on Instagram 

First Student is Hiring Bus Drivers

Starting pay is $33.27 per hour please contact them at 508-763-9260 or go to for more information.

Now hiring bus drivers 508-763-9260 Starting at $33.27 per hour

High Point Prevention Services has organized a free, virtual event for parents and caregivers on May 30th at 6:00 PM. Please click the link for further information. Free Virtual Vaping Education for Parents/Caregivers

Freetown Lakeville Regional School District School Links

Please click on the link(s) below for district information and easy access to your child’s school news 

FLRSD: News | Freetown Lakeville Regional School District

ARHS: Apponequet Regional High School News

FLMS: Freetown Lakeville Middle School News

GRAIS: George R. Austin Intermediate School News

AES: Assawompset Elementary Schools News

FES: Freetown Elementary School News

Below please find links to important forms and information. These are located on our website but hope this may assist you in locating them quickly.